
10,000 years of volcanic eruptions

Where are most of Earth's volcanoes?

An expedition to the Earth's fiery heart

Volcanic unrest - from science to society

10 things you didn't know about volcanoes

Every land volcano on Earth to be monitored from space

Satellite observations could help forecast an eruption's end

Volcanoes on borders: a scientific and (geo) political challenge

Great challenges in volcanology - how does the volcano factory work?

A historical perspective onlateral collapse and volcanic debris avalanches

Surprise magma pocket found in Iceland hints at more 'ticking time bombs'

The birth of volcanoes:

The complicated birth of a volcano

Scientists discover a new way volcanoes form

New insights into processes that cause volcanism

A massive subterranean 'tree' is moving magma to Earth's surface

Geophysicists challenge traditional theory underlying the origin of mid-plate volcanoes


Colossal crater found in Siberia. What made it?

Startling volcanic. activity has town in Iceland bracing for crisis

Supervolcanoes & Supereruptions:


Mega volcanoes may be 'predicted'

Supervolcano eruption mystery solved

Secret of supervolcano found in tiny crystals

Are we prepared for the next mega-eruption?

The massive volcano that scientists can't find

Tamu Massif may not be a supervolcano after all

World's largest volcano now named Tamu Plateau

Super-eruptions may have surprisingly short fuses

What is a supervolcanoe? What is a supereruption? 

Supervolcanic ash can turn to lava miles from eruption

Indonesia's Somalas volcano kick-started Little Ice Age

Study suggests ample warning of supervolcano eruptions

NASA;s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano

Colossal volcano behind 'mystery' global cooling finally found

The volcano that shrouded the Earth and gave birth to a monster

Super-eruptions may give only a year's warning before they blow

How rivers of hot ash and gas move when a supervolcano erupts

Late Bronze Age Thera eruption discovered in Turkey.    Santorini

World's longest erupting supervolcanoes fueled by magma 'conveyor belts'

Doomsday volcanoes: next large volcanic eruption on the planet could kill 1 million people

Volcanic Risk:

Reading the Earth's LIPS

Global volcanic hazards and risks

30 years saving lives from volcanoes

High-risk volcanoes in populated areas

World-first volcano risk assessment system

Eruption risks from covert silica magma bodies

Hawai'i's role in reducing volcanic risk around the world

Anticipating climate impacts of major volcanic eruptions

Age and foaming: how to predict when a volcano will erupt

Communicating volcanic risk: lava, eruptions and uncertainty

Scientists' views about lay perceptions of volcanic hazard and risk

Crtical volcanology? Thinking holistically about risk and uncertainty 

New study analyses volcanic fatalities in more detail than ever before

Reducing risks from lahar hazards: concepts, case studies, the roles for scientist    

The influence of probabalistic volcanic hazard map properties on hazard communication

Volcanic Ashfall:

The destructive power of volcanic ash fall

PVAHA: Probabilistic Volcanic Ash Hazard Analysis    

An online ashfall reporting tool    Volcanic ash fall hazard and risk 

The role of gravitational instabilities in deposition of volcanic ash

Weather forecast model predicts complex patterns of volcanic ash dispersal

Volcano monitoring and eruption early warning:

Mantle plumes persevere

AI fit to monitor volcanoes

Lessons of volcanic eruptions

Fourty years of plume research

A new type of volcanic eruption

Volcano eruptions have deep origins

Volcanic lands warm before eruptions

Eruptions, earthquakes and emissions

When magma prevents volcanic eruptions

Can earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions?

Detecting hydrothermal vents in volcanic lakes

Volcanic eruptions that changed human history

Study advances understanding of volcanic eruptions

The calamilty of eruptions, or an eruption of benefits?

Taking the 'pulse' of volcanoes using satellite images

First eyewitness accounts of mystery volcanic eruption

Volcanic lightning can help warn of dangerous eruptions

Volcano topography can distort ground deformation data

Ground-breaking work sheds new light on volcanic activity

Visualising one of the most hazardous formations in Nature

Before the explosion – volcano’s warning tremors explained

Predicting the end of lava flow-forming eruptions from space

Clues from past volcanic explosion help model future activity

Volcanic plumbing provides clues on eruptions and earthquakes

Autopsy of an eruption: linking crystal growth to volcano seismicity

An analysis of the issuance of volcanic alert levels during volcanic crises

Volcanic unrest and pre-eruptive processes: a hazard and risk perspective

Earth's spin and volcanic eruptions: evidence for mutual cause-and-effect interactions?

Locating the depth of magma supply for volcanic eruptions (insights from Mt. Cameroon)

Inconvenient, apocalyptic, or in between? Why we shouldn't be complacent about volcanic eruption

Timescales of water accumulation in magmas and implications for short warning times pf exploseive eruptions 

Forecasting eruptions:

Explosive forecasting

Forecasting volcanic eruptions with AI

Tidal cycles could help predict eruptions

Can volcanic gas levels predict an eruption 

How to recognise where a volcano will erupt

Frictional heat is a trigger for explosive eruptions

Seismic signals reveal the volcanic eruption to come

Seismologists ask: how close are we to an eruption?

Sound waves help scientists track volcanic eruptions

A promising new tool for forecasting volcanic hazards

Volcano music could help scientists monitor eruptions

Probing magma reservoirs to improve volcano forecasts

Scientists identify trigger for explosive volcanic eruptions

Harnessing remote infrasound to study volcanic eruptions

Merged satellite, ground data may forecast volcanic eruptions

Exhaling Earth: scientists closer to forecasting volcanic eruptions

Training in crisis communicationand volcanic eruption forecasting

New trigger for volcanic eruptions discovered using jelly and lasers

How do you forecast eruptions at volcanoes that sit 'on the cusp' for decades?

A satelite view of volcanoes finds the link between ground deformation and eruption

'Crystal clocks' help with volcanic hazard management & better forecasting eruptions

Seafloor volcanoes:

Nautilus live - Ocean Exploration Trust 

Masses of methane from mud volcanoes 

Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate

The geological history of deep-sea volcanoes

An eruption mechanism for undersea volcanoes

How productive are the ore factories in the deep sea?

Undersea volcano gave off signals before eruption in 2011

Ocean volcano may be largest on Earth, biggest in solar system

A massaive underwater volcanic eruption is captured in real time

100 million year old extinct volcano discovered beneath Pacific Ocean

Extinct undersea volcanoes squashed under Earth's crust cause tsunami quakes

Giant rhyolite lava dome formation after 7.3 ka supereruption at Kikai Caldera, SW Japan

The emergence and growth of a submarine volcano: the Kameni Islands, Santorini( Greece)

Space volcanism:

Space volcanoes

How Earth volcanes offer a window into the evolution of life and the Solar System

Chemistry of magma, lava, ash & emissions:

Volcanic plumbing exposed

A look inside volcanic flows

Chemistry trick kills controversy 

Geodynamics: Christmas recycling

Volcano's toxic gas output revealed

Sulphur mining in an active volcano

Sensitivity to volcanic field boundary

Studying ancient Earths geochemistry

Volcanoes deliver two flavors of water

X-rays probe the soft hotspot volcanoes

Properties of magma influence forecasts

Volcanic rock and gas ride on a carpet of air

Understanding the copper heart of volcanoes

Water and lava, but - curiously - no explosion

How much magma is hiding beneath our feet?

Volcanic emissions: more than meets the eye?

Scientists persuade volcanoes to tell their stories

Volcanologists: magma is wetter than we thought

The 'universal break-up criterion' of hot, flowing lava

Volcano breath: measuring sulfur dioxide from space    

How pre-eruption collisions effect what exits a volcano

Scientists discover caauses of deadliest volcano hazards

Drones swoop in to measure gas belched from volcanoes

Catastrophic debri avalanches - a second volcanic hazard 

Magma can survive in upper crust for hundreds of millennia

The wprld's largest diamonds reveal secrets of the inner Earth

Geoscientists collaborate to understand silicic magma systems

Are volcano releases mix of material from Earth's mantle and crust?    

Limestone assimilation under volcanoes helps understand Earth's carbon cycle    

Impact of volcanic eruptions on weather, climate, stratosphere & ozone layer:

Eruptions impacts on world rivers

Volcanic gases could deplete ozone layer

Investigating the effect of volcanoes on climate

This volcano sparked a weeklong thunderstorm

Ancient flood volcanoes could have altered climate 

Volcanoes cause climate gas concentrations to vary

Ancient Irish texts show volcanic link to cold weather

Volcanic eruptions drove ancient global warming event

Volcanic eruptions stir an already complex atmosphere

Super volcanic eruptions interrupt ozone layer recovery

Very large volcanic eruptions could lead to ice sheet instability

Satellite research reveals smaller volcanoes could cool climate

Climate change may prevent volcanoes from cooling the planet

 Anak Krakatau triggers volcanic freezer in the upper stratosphere

Does water vapor from volcanic eruptions cause climate warming?

Rewriting the history of volcanic forcing during the past 2000 years

Tree rings may underestimate climate response to volcanic eruptions

Small volcanic eruptions and the stratospheric sulphate aerosol burden

Unusual volcanic episodes rapidly triggered Little Ice Age, researchers find

Massive Antarctic volcanic eruptions linked to abrupt Southern Hemisphere climate changes

The climatic effects of the direct injection of water vapour into the stratosphere by large volcanic eruptions 

Volcano related profiles, projects, programs & data:

Josef Dufek's website

Global volcano model

The FutureVolc  project 

The 40,000 mile volcano

Global volcanism program

WOVODAT: build it and they will come

BBC audio slideshow: volcano visitors

Smithsonian Institution global volcanism program

Twin volcanic chains above a single hotspot with distinct roots

Fiery volcano offers geologic glimpse into land that time forgot

Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE) 

MIAVITA: Mitigate and Assess risk from volcanic Impact on terrain and human Activities  

Vhub: a knowledge management system to facilitate online collaborative volcano modeling & research    

Dangers to aircraft traffic posed by volcanic clouds:

Flight safety and volcanic ash

Don't build your model on sand! 

In a warming world, keeping the planes running

Novel ash analysis validates volcano no-fly zone 

NASA flies unmanned aircraft into volcanic plume

Can we predict how volcanic ash disperses after an eruption? 

Satellite data used for mitigating aviation related volcanic hazards

How Qantas and other airlines decid whether to fly near volcanoes

Volcanic ash impact on air travel could be reduced says new research

Volcanic ash melting under conditions relevant to ash turbine interactions

Visualizing volcanic clouds in the atmosphere and their imppact on air traffic

Encounters of Aircraft with Volcanic Ash Clouds: A Compilation of Known Incidents, 1953–2009

Regional issues:



A visit to North Korean volcano Paektu

Korea, Japan to Monitor Volcanic Activity on Mt. Baekdu


Mt Ontake and possible Fuji eruption

Mt Fuji eruption would paralyze Tokyo

Ash could paralyze Tokyo if Mt Fuji erupts

Pressure in Mt. Fuji is now higher than last eruption

Why hundreds of thousands climb Mt Fuji every year

Two active volcanoes in Japan may share a magma source

Source and path of magma for volcanoes in the subduction zone of northeastern Japan

How many explosive eruptions missing from the geologic record? Analysis of explosive eruptions in Japan


Re-awakening volcanic activity in China

Ancient ash volcanoes entombed Chinese dinosaurs


Scientists fear major volcanic eruption in the Philippines

Pinatubo 25 years later: eight ways the eruption broke ground

Simulation of the climate impact of Mt. Pinatubo eruption using ECHAM5


Lava pancakes beneath Mt.Toba (Indonesia)

Why the 'Child of Krakatau' is still dangerous

Revolutionizing volcano monitoring in Indonesia

A look inside one of Earth's most dramaic volcanoes

What led to the largest volcanic eruption in human history?

Crack in Pacific seafloor caused volcanic chain to go dormant

Life-saving technology provides alert as Bali's Mount Agung spews ash, raises alarm

Source of the great A.D.1257 mystery eruption unveiled, Samalas volcano, Indonesia

URI scientists model the Anak Krakatau volcano, tsunami to better prepare US for future tsunamis 

North America:

US national volcano warning system gains steam

No redoubt: volcanic eruption forecasting improved

US readies health response for the next big eruption

Government ranks 18 US volcanoes as 'very high threat'

2018 update to the USGS national volcanic threat assessment 


Alaska Volcano Observatory 

Alaska islands maybe part of single, massive volcano

Alaska volcano researchers refine 'hearing' to find eruptions

Alaska volcano's screams may explain eruption's awesome power

Volcanic thunder from explosive eruptions at Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska

Pacific Northwest:

Cascade Mountain Image

Mount Meager: over the volcano

New view of Rainier’s volcanic plumbing

Washington's volcanoes get more scientific scrutiny

BC's distinctive tuya volcanoes reveal glacial, paleo-climate secrets

Volcanoes, including Mt Hood, can go from dormant to active quickly

Variations in community exposure to lahar hazards from multiple volcanoes in Washington State, USA

Mt St Helens:

40 years later, Mt. St. Helens looms as a marvel and a threat

40 years later, lessons for the pandemic from Mount St. Helens

Small magnitude earthquake swarm continues at Mount St Helens

Mount St Helens isn't where it should be . Scientists may finally know why.

New imagery solves mystery pf why Mount St Helens is out of line with other volcanoes

Mount St Helens' next eruptiion could be massive - 4 magma chambers found lurking under the volcano


Supervolcanoes: not a threat for 2012

Huge volcano sleeps under Yellowstone

Scientists see deeper Yellowstone magma

Yellowstone: the super-volcano that could blow up America

The Yellowstone supervolcano is a disaster waiting to happen

Pinpointing the trigger behind Yellowstone's last supereruption

Yellowstone supereruption would send ash across North America

Study challenges widely accepted theory of Yellowstone formation

BYU geologists discover 'supervolcano' in Utah: past eruption superseded Yellowstone

Yellowstone supervolcano may have formed in a completely different way to how we thought

Mid-Miocene record of large-scale Snake River like explosive volcanism on Yellowstone hotspot track


California's exposure to volcanic hazards

With 8 threatening volcanoes, USGS says California deserves close monitoring

Waiting for Death Valley's Big Bang: a volcanic explosion crater may have future potential

Central America:

Undersea volcano in Eastern Caribbean

Learning from the 'El Fuego' volcano, Guatamala

The surprising threat from Mexico's awakened volcano

Evidence of large volcanic actvity in the Caribbean uncovered

South America:

Potentially active volcanoes of Peru

Highly explosive volcanism at Galapagos

German satellites could help Chile predict natural disasters

3D model reveals new information about iconic volcano Ardnamurchan

Magma intrusion is likely source of Columbia-Ecuador border quake swarms

Colombia: the volcano that changed the course of disaster risk management

Ubinas: the evolution of the historically most active volcano in Southern Peru

Columbia: quakes, mudslides, an acgtive volcano - inside the world's riskiest city

Dynamic and extensive risk arisinf from volcanic ash impacts on agriculture (Caribbean and Ecudor)

Thermal, deformation & degassing time series (CE 2000-2017) at 47 active volcanoes of Latin America 

Hawaii & Pacific:

Hawaii: when lava meets sea

Hawaiian volcanoes, explained

A Kilauea eruption like no other

Hawaii: a hole in Earth's surface?

Two-faced Kilauea volcano exposed

Four ways Kilauea is redrawing the map

A new tool for studying eruptions like Kilauea

The origin of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Extrusive volcanism formed the Hawaiian Islands

Thermal maps reveal the vast network of lava flows

The geology behind Mauna Loa's 2022 eruption

Hundreds of volcanic explosions detected underwater at Kilauea

Continuous monitoring of Hawaiian volcnoes with thermal cameras

Study explains the connection between Hawaii's dueling volcanoes

USGS Volcanic hazard at the summit of Kilauea June 29, 2018 update

Observing and forecasting vog dispersion from Kilauea Volcano.Hawaii

Scripps scientists image deep magma beneath Pacific seafloor volcano

Lava fingerprinting reveals differences between Hawaii's twin volcanoes

Geochemical zoning of volcanic chains associated with Pacific hotspots

Seismic source dynamics of gas-piston activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'ii

Real-time observations explain magma dynamics of Kilauea's 2018 eruption

Rapid metal pollutant deposition from the volcanic plume of Kilauea, Hawai'

Students, researchers at sea working on recently erupted deep-sea volcano

'Paradise tax': the price Hawaiians are prepared to pay for living near volcanoes

USGS led public video conference regarding the Kilauea eruption of April-May 2018

First-ever 3D image created of the structure beneath sierra Negra volcano in the Galapagos

Role of the deep mantle in generating the compositional asymmetry of the Hawaiian mantle plume

Australia & New Zealand:

Australian volcanic mystery explained

Scientists map Auckland's volcanic hazard zones

Taupo: Implications of a supervolcano's seismicity

World's longest continental volcano track found in Australia

Why the New Zealand volcano eruption caught the world by surprise

Research explores impacts of hypothetical volcano eruption in Auckland

Could volcanic eruptions in the south-west Pacific save the Great Barrier Reef?

Bridging Maori indigenous knowledge and western geosciences to reduce social vulnerability 

The spatial & temporal 'cost' of volcanic eruption: Assessing economic impact, etc. Auckland region, NZ


Congo conflict masks deadly volcano threat

Familiarity with volcanoes breeds content

Large mantle magma reservoir of Afar, Ethiopia

Volcanoes helped violent revolts erupt in ancient Egypt

A volcano erupted with out warning. Now, scientists know why

Tracking the hazards, and benefits, of volcanoes in East Africa

Stratospheric AOD after the 2011 eruption of Nabro volcano measured by Northern Hemisphere lidars 

Very- and ultra-long- period seismic signals prior to and during caldera formation on La Reunion Island 

Structural controls on fluid pathways in an active rift system: a case study of the Aluto volcanic complex

Europe & Russia: 

Santorini volcano expands

Santorini sees growth spurt

Russian volcano eruption ongoing

Why 536 was 'the worst year to be alive'

The monster volcanoes hidden beneath Italy

Six undersea volcanoes found hiding in plain sight

Scientists create world's first 3D thermal of volcano 

Active volcanism found under the heart of northwest Europe

Dating the ancient Minoan eruption of Thera using tree rings

GeoSEA array records sliding of Mount Etna's southeatern flank

Forecasring magma-chamber rupture at Santorini volcano, Greece

Europe's age of inferno: how a volcano swallowed the Western world

Italy's Campi Flegrei supervolcano eruption possibly closer than thought    

Water-magma interaction and plume processes in the 2008 Okmok eruption

Europe's most dangerous supervolcano is reawakening just in time for Christmas 

Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctica ice cores at the Toba eruption (74kyr BP)

A supervolcano caused the largest eruption in European history. Now it's stirring again

Volcanic eruptions triggered societal crises during 6th century in the Northern Hemisphere

Operational eruption forecasting at high-risk volcanoes: the case of Campi Flegrei, Naples

Geodetic evidence for a bouyant mantle plume beneath the Eifel volcanic area, NW Europe  


Eyjafjallajokull's plume is electrified

Iceland volcanoes said growing threat

When the ice melts, the Earth spews fire

Time-bomb? Iceland volcano eruption mystery

Icelandic volcano sits on massive magma hotspot

Scotland to monitor pollution from Iceland's volcanoes

Visualizing the shaking rage of Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano

How Icelandic volcano issued warnings months before its eruption

Climatic control on Icelandic volcanic activity during the mid-Holocene

Estimating the frequency of volcanic ash clouds over Northern Europe

More than 30,000 earthquakes trace the movement of magma in Iceland

Scientists observe the Earth grow a new layer under an Icelandic volcano

Possible magma accumulation beneth Mt Thorbjorn on Reykjaynes peninsula


Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

New Antartic rift data has implications for volcanic evolution

Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean

Researchers discover volcanic heat source under major Antarctic glacier

Scientists find giant mantle plume (similar to Yellowstone) under Antarctica

Predicting unpredictability: information theory offers new way to read ice cores