Forecast accuracy for Superstorm Sandy:
Evaluation of the forecasts for Hurricane Sandy
Timeline of Sandy, Controversy surrounding the storm
Evaluation of medium range forecasts for Hurricane Sandy
The role of satellite data in the forecasting of Hurricane Sandy
Post-event analysis of Superstorm Sandy:
NASA simulation of Superstorm Sandy
Sandy inspires NJ University to teach DRR
Hurricane Sandy a wake-up call for industry
Hurricane Sandy: the science of the 'perfect storm'
A year after Sandy, thousands still can't return home
AAAS panelists: Sandy a 'game changer' for public perception
After Sandy: advancing strategies for long-term resilience and adaptability
8 years on, NYC shored up against future superstorms using oyser castles
Near real-time forensic disaster analysis: experiences from Hurricane Sandy
Flood, rebuild, repeat: are we ready for a Superstorm Sandy every other year?
Buidling specialists grappling with rebuilding in a post-Sandy world call for a resilience czar
Damage summary fron Superstorm Sandy:
Post-Sandy bay restoration sparks controversy
Damage detection in NYC hit be Hurricane Sandy
A professor's plan to protect the environment wins $125 million
Superstorm Sandy: its sedimentary impact on the beach and barrier system
Urban coastal resilience - Superstorm Sandy and Howard Beach, Queens, NYC
Resilient shores: after Sandy climate scientists and architects explore how to co-exist with rising tides
Evacuation issues following Superstorm Sandy:
Sandy-hit towns wrestle with eminent-domain choice
Attitudes towards relocation following Hurricane Sandy: should we stay or should we go?
Lessons from Sandy:
Natural disasters: more frequent, more expensive
Lessons from Sandy: building with resilience in mind
Sandy task force suggests ways to handle future superstorms
On anniversary of Sandy, a warning to other major coastal areas