Risk & Resilience

Risk is an emergent property - as a system evolves, the risks evolve. For combinatorial reasons, as system complexity increases, the possibility of cascading risks increases. Resilience on the other hand, is the capacity of the system to absorb risks and maintain function

Risk Reports: 

Understanding risk

The Global Risk Map

World Risk Poll 2024 Report

The emergence of risks: contributing factor

Emerging risks in the global insurance industry

World bank significantly expands DRM product offering for clients

Swiss Re to work with IBM Watson to harness the power of big data

Low earthquake insurance penetration globally, even in countries with high seismic risk

The Global Risks report 2017    

The Globlal Risks Report 2016  

Allianz Risk Barometer 2014 - growing interconnectvity of risks

Munich Re Risk Award: best project proposals for 2014    WEF Global Risks 2014

Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2013 (Swiss Re Sigma)    WEF: Global Risks 2013

Loss events in 2013   In 2013, climate 'resiliency' officially entered the lexicon

Maplecroft's Natural Hazards Risk Atlas 2012    WorldRisk Report 2012

Hazard Identification:

Hazard risk resilience

Man-made and technological hazards

Risk Management:

Knowledge is power 

Risk management in rural areas

Dare to prepare - taking risk serously

Innovation: managing risk, not avoiding it

Index for risk management INFORM 2016    

Solving the puzzle: innovating to reduce risk

Risk Communications:

Risk communications basics

Using the Internet for public risk communications    

Trends in risk communication policies and practices

Risk communications for public health emergencies: what to learn from real-life events

Resilience overview:

Resilience Atlas

Toward resilience

Resilience insights 

Resilience by design

Resilience in practice

Gender and resilience

Can resilience go digital?   

What exactly is resilience      

Conceptualizing Resilience

Collaborating for resilience

2015: the year if resilience

The triple dividend of resilience

A companion guide to resilience

Measuring 'subjective resilience'

Breaking silos to build resilience

Boosting relience to modern day threats

Unlocking the 'triple dividend' of resilience

Lessons learned to become more resilient

Resource guide to resilience Vol 1    Vol 2

How can we better build disaster resilience

To build resilience, listen to people's needs

How do we start putting a price on resilience?

The challenge of resilience in a globalised world 

Resilience - the big picture: top themes and trends 

Unlocking resilience through autonomous innovation

Building a roadmap to resilience: tools for field people

Mapping reilience for the SDGs: GAR special report 2023  

Dull Disasters? How planning ahead will make a difference

A comparative overview of resilience measurement frameworks

Planning for a more resilient future - a guide to regional approaches

Disaster risk resilience: conceptual evolution, key issues and opportunities

Promoting evidence-based approaches to building resilience and responding to humanitarian crises

Resilience: new utopia or new tyranny? - concept of resilience in relation to vulnerability reduction programs

Community Resilience: 

Comprehensive school safety

A new vision for community resilience

Resilient systems, resilient communities

Community led partnerships for resilience

The way forward for community resilience

IFRC framework for community resilience

Putting community resilience into practice

Strategies for supporting community resilience

Participatory scenario planning for community resilience 

Water and risk: developing sustainable and resilient communities

Understanding community resilience and program factors that strengthen them

Community resilience economic decision guide for buildings and infrastructure systems

Adapting & reacting to measure an extreme event: to measure disaster community resilience

Citties & Urban Resilience:

The city as a risk area

Building urban resilience

Assessing city resilience

Resilience insight - 12 cities assessment

Measuring resilience in the assumed city

A guide to measuring urban risk resilience

The 10 essentials for making cities resilient

Toolkit for resilient cities: exective summary

Climate resilient cities: a role for the media

Spreading risk for resilience in the urban system

Making cities resilient: summary for policy makers

Building urban resilience - principles, tools, and practice 

A global ranking of cities under threat from natural disasters

Exploring the potential and limits of the resilience agenda in rapidly urbanising contexts

Buildings & Infrastructural Resilience:

Creating better buidings

Rebuilding with resilience

Building resilient infrastructure

Homeowners guide to flood resilience

Resilient housing - a flourishing sector

Build back better infrastructure resilience

Let's build infrastructure that no hurricane can erase

Understanding risk and resilient infrastructure investment

Rebuilding for reslience: fortifying infrastructure to withstand disaster

Climate risks and resilience in infrastructure PPPs: issues to be considered

Resilience governance for infrastructure dependencies and interdependencies

Building resilience through infra-structure-based solutions with community involvement

A multi-hazard risk framework to stress-test water-supply systems to climate-related disruptions

Business, Financial & Economic Resilience:

Business continuity toolkit

Is your business disaster proof?

Building resilience in supply chains

Risk-sensitive business investment

Guidance to the resilience dividend model

Risk-informed public policy and investment

Multi-hazard business continuity management 

CEOs: 'We have resilience tools. Let's use them' 

Global economy could endure disaster for a week

Resilience investment 'opportunity' for private sector

How businesses use data to outsmart Nature's wrath

Sea-level rises: why flooding is the next big business risk 

ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - principles and guidelines

Building resilience to natural disasters and major economic crisis

Building resilience to natural disasters and major economic crises

Weathering the storm: building business resilience to climate change

Integrating natural disaster risks & resilience into the financial system

Integrated risk management - its importance in protecting people and their livlihoods

From disaster to renewal - the centrality of business recovery to community resilience

For climate scenario analysis to really drive change, stakeholder engagement is essential

Towards disaster-risk sensitive investments: the disaster risk-integrated operational risk model

How economic growth and rational decisions can make disaster losses grow faster than wealth

Organizational & Institutional Resilience:

How civil institutions build resilience

Resilience programming among NGOs

Institutionalising resilience: the World Vision story

Medical & Health System Resilience:

Resilient health systems can contain pandemics

Weather & Climate Resilience:

Resilience in focus at COP21

Flood - an underestimated risk

Swiss Re: Global Flood zones 

Climate and disaster resilience

Physical risks from climate change 

5 emerging trends in climate resilience

What does it mean to be climate resilient?

Climate change and the insurance industry

Willing and able - building a crisis resilient workforce    

A small- and medium-sized way to build climate resilience

Building capacity for risk management in a changing climate 

Defining a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security

Enhancing flood resilience through improved risk communications

Managing the impacts of climate change: risk management responses

Enhancing urban climate change resilience: seven entry points for action

The road to resilience - managing the risks of the energy-water-food nexus

Investing in resilience - tools and frameworks for managing physical climate risk

Recovery from disaster: resilience, adaptability and perceptions of climate change

Nature Based Solutions:

Integrating ecosystems in resilience practice

Lloyds: Coastal communities and climate change: maintaining future insurability

Resilience through risk prevention & management and enviromental sustainability

Hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability , and risk assessment frameworks for nature-basedsolutions

Integrating typhoon destructive potential and social-ecological systems toward resilient coastal communities

Other Resilient Methodologies:

Applying resilience thinking in BRACED

The 3A's: tracking resilience across BRACED

Resilience, Risk and Vulnerability at SIDA

ActionAid's discussion paper on resilience

Missing role of finance in climate mitigation scenarios 

Analysing resilience for better targeting and action - RESA II

The PERC Manual: learning from disasters to build resilience 

Toward building a culture of disaster resilience at an early age

How local modelling can build resilience in the post-Covid era

Learning from hindsight: synthesis report on Oxfam resilience research

Resilience & Complexity:

Domains of resilience for complex interconnected systems

Researchers find the tipping point between resilience and collapse in complex systems

Reslience, SDGs & Disaster Risk Reduction:

Heritage and Resilience

Resilience, development and DRR

A vision for managing natural disaster risk 

Managing disaster risks for a resilient future

World 'dangerously unprepared' for future disasters

UN: building resilience to disasters through partnerships

Financing the SDGs: the critical role of risk and resilience

Bringing resilience to scale (GFDRR Annual Report 2014)

Understanding Risk: Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction

Better together: regional capacity building for national DRM

Disaster resilience: the private sector has a vital role to play 

Resilient recovery - an imperative for sustainable development

Promoting use of disaster risk information in land-use planning

Building resilience - integrating climate and disaster risk into development

Relationships matter: the application of social capital to disaster resilience

Resilience in action: lessons from public-private-collaborations around the world

Adaptive government and resilience: the role of multi-stakeholder platforms in DRR

The road to resilience: bridging relief and development for a more sustainable future

From social vulnerability to resilience: measuring progress toward disaster risk reduction

Estimating populations affected by disaster: a review of methological issues and research gaps

The use of catastrophe loss modelling methodologies to design and monitor disaster resilience goals 

Participatory methods for resilience: bringing conflict sensitivity, DRR & climate change adaptation together   


Japan's resilience lessons 

The long road to resilience: Bangaladesh

The South Asia Women's Resilience Index 

Climate-related disasters in Asia and the Pacific

India: climate resilience and disaster risk management

India - Envisioning resilience: towards climate compatible development

Japan's disasters must prompt a radical rethink of citizens' quality of life

Special evaluation study on ADB's response to natural disasters and disaster risk

The measurement of disaster risk - an example from tropical cyclones in the Philippines

Resilient infrastructure Public Private Partnerships, contrcats and procurement in Japan

Tourism supply chains and natural disasters: business continuity models in ASEAN countries

When non-climate urban policies contribute to building urban resilience to climate change: Indonesian cities


Long-term disaster resilience in Australia

The Australian Ntural Disaster Resilience Index: overview of indicators

Mapping where natural perils impact on economic growth and communities

Resilience: the new paradigm in disaster management - an Australia perspective

Disruption and resilience: how organisations coped with the Cantebury earthquake

NSW: Ensuring resilience of natural resources under exposure to extreme climate events

The Australian national disaster resilience index: conceptual framework and indicator approach

Assessing community disaster resilience using a balanced scorecard in 3 Australian communities

North America:

The Oregon Resilience Plan

USGS Natural hazards of 2016

New York electrical system resilience

Canadian Public Radio session on Risk

Toolkit for resilient cities: NYC resilient grid

Are Great Plains headed for another Dust Bowl?

Planning for hazards: land use solutions for Colorado

Building urban resilience - principles, tools and practices

Earthquake risks around the USA - how to protect your property

New tool helps urban areas build resilience to climate change in the US

Current and future exposure of infrastructure in the US to natural hazards

Recommendations to improve the strength and resilience of the Empire Stae's infrastructure    

Central & South America:  

Mexico: remodeling the past for a resilient future

Building resilience through iterative processes - Bolivia

Engaging Haitian community leaders in emergency response   


Climate change resilience in Europe

Crisis mapping in Switzerland: a stakeholder analysis

UK: making the country resilient to a changing climate

Financial risk and opportunities to build resilience in Europe

Rome wasn't built for today's climate. Is there time to save it?

A renovation wave for Europe: greening our buildingd, creating jobs, improving lives

Resilience of large investments and critical infrastructures in Europe to climate change

Climate risk assessment under uncertainty: an application to main European cosatal cities

Middle East:

Fostering reilience in the Middle East: a people centred approach to risk reduction


Kla[muts backyard dwelling survey

Kenya: Collaboration for strengthening resilience

South Africa: Mainstreaming resilience into urban planning practices

Insurance in a changing risk landscape - lessons from the Southern Cape of South Africa

Strengthening urban resilience in African cities: understanding and addressing urban risk

The economics of early response and disaster resilience: lessons from Kenya and Ethiopia

No improvement in BRIC's capacity to withstand shocks from global risks despite economic growth