ICES intends to collaborate with a core network of leading organizations in research, analysis, modeling, simulation, visualization and monitoring the global Earth-System, such as those indicated below:
GEO is coordinating efforts to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems, or GEOSS. GEO was launched in response to calls for action by the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development and by the G8 (Group of Eight) leading industrialized countries. These high-level meetings recognized that international collaboration is essential for exploiting the growing potential of Earth observations to support decision making in an increasingly complex and environmentally stressed world. GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations. It provides a framework within which these partners can develop new projects and coordinate their strategies and investments. As of October 2010, GEO’s Members include 84 Governments and the European Commission.
The Global Data Lab develops databases and instruments for monitoring and analyzing the status and progress of societies.
OpenTopography facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources.
Global open access wind information, and more
Today's learners, especially the most underserved, deserve to build strong futures in a complex world. We're dedicated to advancing STEM inquiry through technology to equip learners and empower lives.
IIED is a policy and action research organisation. We promote sustainable development to improve livelihoods and protect the environments on which these livelihoods are built. We specialise in linking local priorities to global challenges.
DOE's E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers
The World Meteorological Organization Headquarters in Geneva. IPCC Secretariat is hosted by WMO The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. In the same year, the UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC.
By consolidating several research grants from three different federal agencies (NSF, NOAA and NASA), a single, multi-agency, multi-year research project was developed to create a critical mass of scientists working together as a team at COLA on the basic problem of the predictability of the present climate. With continuing multi-agency support, COLA has become a national center of excellence for research on climate variability and predictability. The goal of COLA research is to explore, establish and quantify the predictability and prediction of seasonal to interannual variability of the present climate through the use of state-of-the-art dynamical coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models and the development of new techniques for analysis of observational and model data.
The WCRP Mission is to facilitate analysis and prediction of Earth system variability and change for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society. The two overarching objectives of the WCRP are: 1) to determine the predictability of climate; and 2) to determine the effect of human activities on climate
MARI at Old Dominion University is therefore taking a comprehensive view on the syndrome of modern global change and is focusing on the options we have to mitigate the impacts of modern global change, to adapt to the changes, and to prepare for possible futures.
USRA is an independent, nonprofit research corporation where the combined efforts of in-house talent and university-based expertise merge to advance space science and technology.
Global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities and data
Earth Observation for Sustainable Development – is a new ESA initiative which aims to achieve a step increase in the uptake of satellite-based environmental information in the IFIs regional and global programs. It will follow a systematic, userdriven approach in order to meet longer-term, strategic geospatial information needs in the individual developing countries, as well as international and regional development organizations.
Supports research which aims to understand the Earth’s past environment in order to obtain better predictions of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability.
The Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE) is a new inter-faculty entity of the University of Geneva . The ISE was formally created in March 2009 with the entry into force of the new cantonal law on the University. Already two faculties are involved in this new entity, the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. The ISE is dedicated to interdisciplinary teaching and research in areas of the environment, climate, energy, water, biodiversity, human ecology, urban planning and governance, and health. The challenge is that of building bridges between the natural and built environment, with topics that affect both the protection of natural resources than those of economic development, social welfare and health governance, policies and security.
The PlanetSolar DeepWater expedition is exploring the ocean processes that interact with the atmosphere by taking water and air measurements for over 8,000 km along the Gulf Stream.
Since 1989, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) has used the power of law to protect the environment, promote human rights, and ensure a just and sustainable society.
School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering Les disciplines regroupées dans la Faculté de l’environnement naturel, architectural et construit (ENAC) sont appelées à trouver des solutions au défi le plus important de notre temps : garantir un cadre de vie durable à l’humanité par une intégration réussie des activités humaines au sein de la biosphère.
CEOS ensures international coordination of civil space-based Earth observation programs and promotes exchange of data to optimize societal benefit and inform decision making for securing a prosperous and sustainable future for humankind.
The Institute of Global Environment and Society, Inc. (IGES) - a non-profit, tax exempt research institute, incorporated in the State of Maryland - was established to improve understanding and prediction of the variations of the Earth's climate through scientific research on climate variability and climate predictability, and to share both the fruits of this research and the tools necessary to carry out this research with society as a whole. The staff of IGES includes a dedicated group of scientists uniquely qualified to conduct basic research in these areas. Application of scientific knowledge for the sustainable development of society is an important objective of the Institute.
The Joint Global Change Research Institute conducts research to advance fundamental understanding of human and Earth systems and provide decision-relevant information for management of emerging global risks and opportunities.
After thousands of Australian's chipped in to Australia's biggest crowd-funding campaign, the abolished Climate Commission has relaunched as the new, independent Climate Council.
Climate science from climate scientists
ICCG’s mission consists in disseminating at the local, national and international level science-based and socio-economic research in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation to policymakers and the general public through interdisciplinary activities, as well as producing climate and energy policy analyses and define optimal governance models to control climate change.
Future Earth is the global research platform providing the knowledge and support to accelerate our transformations to a sustainable world.
The R&D component of GEOGLAM develops monitoring and reporting protocols, tools, and best practices suitable for monitoring the variety of global agricultural systems.
Initiated by the German Government, the Climate Service Center (CSC) is a fundamental part of the german hightech-strategy for climate protection. The CSC is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is furthermore supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety as well as by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development.
In close collaboration with the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) initiative, the WGMS runs the Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G) in support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The primary international programme concerned with monitoring permafrost parameters
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is an internationally renowned institute for climate research. Its goal is to understand the changing climate of our Earth.
DKRZ - to provide high performance computing platforms, sophisticated and high capacity data management, and superior service for premium climate science.
The Max Planck Society together with the Association of Universities and other German educational institutes initiated the ‘International Max Planck Research Schools’ (IMPRS) to foster innovative and interdisciplinary training of outstanding junior scientists in different research areas.
Acting on behalf of the Federal Government, DLR Space Administration designs and implements Germany's Space Program, which integrates all German space activities on the national and European plane.
The Met Office is a science-led organisation and our success in weather forecasting and climate prediction depends, critically, on having a world-class research programme.
The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, the Centre) is an intergovernmental organisation supported by 33 States, based in Reading, west of London, in the United Kingdom.
The main purpose of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is to deliver weather and climate-related satellite data, images and products– 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This information is supplied to the National Meteorological Services of the organisation's Member and Cooperating States in Europe, as well as other users world-wide. EUMETSAT is an international organisation and was founded in 1986.
NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep citizens informed of the changing environment around them. From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) develops and uses mathematical models and computer simulations to improve our understanding and prediction of the behavior of the atmosphere, the oceans, and climate.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is a federally funded research and development center devoted to service, research and education in the atmospheric and related sciences. NCAR’s mission is to understand the behavior of the atmosphere and related physical, biological and social systems; to support, enhance and extend the capabilities of the university community and the broader scientific community – nationally and internationally; and to foster transfer of knowledge and technology for the betterment of life on Earth. The National Science Foundation is NCAR's primary sponsor, with significant additional support provided by other U.S. government agencies, other national governments and the private sector.
The Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) project is a newly launched project sponsored by the Earth System Modeling (ESM) program within U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE’s) Office of Biological and Environmental Research.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) techniques for atmospheric GCMs. Development of test cases for dynamical cores of GCMs, model intercomparisons. Modern numerical methods and computational grids for dynamical cores of GCMs. Idealized simulations of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), stratospheric dynamics. Dynamics of tropical cyclones. Subgrid-scale mixing in climate models.
Our goal is to understand the chemical composition of the atmosphere, its perturbation by human activity, and the implications for climate change and life on Earth.
The interdisciplinary Earth, ocean, and space science research at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS) places it in the forefront of academic centers offering opportunities for students to work alongside distinguished faculty in high-level research projects.
CICS provides expertise and performs research in the climate sciences including climate change and variability, and biogeochemical cycles. Through its graduate and postdoctoral and visiting research program, CICS educates and trains future generations of scientists for NOAA and the nation.
We are a diverse community of experts promoting the modeling of earth surface processes by developing, supporting, and disseminating integrated software modules that predict the movement of fluids, and the flux (production, erosion, transport, and deposition) of sediment and solutes in landscapes and their sedimentary basins.
The Geoinformatics and Earth Observation Laboratory was established in Spring 2014 to advance GIScience and CyberScience by developing new computational methodologies and CyberInfrastructure solutions for the analysis of geospatial 'big data'. Our focus is on GeoScience and Earth Science problems with high impact to society such as environmental hazards and renewable energy.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 18 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country.
NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. To do that, thousands of people have been working around the world -- and off of it -- for 50 years, trying to answer some basic questions. What's out there in space? How do we get there? What will we find? What can we learn there, or learn just by trying to get there, that will make life better here on Earth?
With 175+ satellites in orbit, Planet is able to line scan the Earth, imaging the entirety of Earth’s landmass every single day.
CNEOS is NASA's center for computing asteroid and comet orbits and their odds of Earth impact.
We are an international community engaged in building a sustainable future and nurturing scientific interest among the public. Our mission is to explore life as a universal phenomenon and empower the next generation of scientists.
On October 1, 2003, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL) and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) were merged into one independent administrative institution to be able to perform all their activities in the aerospace field as one organization, from basic research and development to utilization. The independent administrative institution is the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA.)
JAMSTEC has the main objective to contribute to the advancement of academic research in addition to the improvement of marine science and technology by proceeding the fundamental research and development on marine, and the cooperative activities on the academic research related to the Ocean for the benefit of the peace and human welfare. Its Earth Simulator has four basic principles: 1.Quantitative prediction and assessment of variations of the atmosphere, ocean and solid earth. 2.Production of reliable data to protect human lives and properties from natural disasters and environmental destruction. 3.Contribution to symbiotic relationship of human activities with nature. 4.Promotion of innovative and epoch-making simulation in any fields such as industry, bioscience, energy and so on.
WRI is a global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being
The goal of EarthCube is to transform the conduct of research by supporting the development of community-guided cyberinfrastructure to integrate data and information for knowledge management across the Geosciences
UGG is dedicated to the international promotion and coordination of scientific studies of Earth (physical, chemical, and mathematical) and its environment in space. These studies include the shape of the Earth, its gravitational and magnetic fields, the dynamics of the Earth as a whole and of its component parts, the Earth's internal structure, composition and tectonics, the generation of magmas, volcanism and rock formation, the hydrological cycle including snow and ice, all aspects of the oceans, the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and solar-terrestrial relations, and analogous problems associated with the Moon and other planets.
The "GEO Grid" project since 2005 is primarily aiming at providing an E-Science infrastructure for worldwide Earth Sciences community. In the community there are wide varieties of existing data sets including satellite imagery, geological data, and ground sensed data that each data owner insists own licensing policy. Also, there are so many of related projects that will be configured as virtual organizations (VOs) enabled by Grid technology. The GEO Grid is designed to integrate all the relevant data virtually, again enabled by Grid technology, and is accessible as a set of services. To dedicate the establishment of such a system, a lot of enthusiastic effort such as that seen in the effort of "The 10-Year Implementation Plan for GEOSS" has been devoted to creating IT platforms where people can access entire integrated data sets and use them to understand the earth more accurately than ever.
To conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami and climate change in and around Southeast Asia, toward safer and more sustainable societies
A center within the Earth Institute at Columbia University. CIESIN works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in on-line data and information management, spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment.
GVM is a growing international network that aims to create a sustainable, accessible information platform on volcanic hazard and risk. GVM will provide systematic evidence, data and analysis of volcanic hazards and risk on global, regional and local scales, and will develop the capability to anticipate future volcanism and its consequences.
By functioning as a true community effort, the GEM initiative aims to produce a state-of-the-art, dynamic and open-source model for the assessment of seismic risk worldwide; a model that is based on the probabilistic assessment of earthquake occurrence, the resulting ground motions, and the impact these have on structures and populations in terms of damage, social and economic loss. GEM software and tools will allow for hazard and risk assessment, will include tools for analysis of socio-economic impact and will be available through an open web-based community platform.
ESSCC prides itself on providing a broad range of activities founded on (but not limited to) computational and theoretical geophysics. These activities include: ■Academic Research ESSCC specialises in computational geodynamics, geomechanics, earthquake physics and HPC Software. Every year, ESSCC makes substantial contributions to scientific literature and prospers in the supervision of postgraduate students within the University of Queensland. ■Consulting ESSCC is actively engaged in a broad range of consulting activities in topics that include the simulation of mining and industrial processes, seismic monitoring and archiving, hazard assessment, and technology transfer in the adoption of cutting edge infrastructure. ■Infrastructure Development ESSCC maintains world-class supercomputing facilities and develops computational software to enable research and development in both academia and industry. This infrastructure is utilised across a broad range of disciplines.
The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information.
SCEC is a community of over 600 scientists, students, and others at over 60 institutions worldwide, headquartered at the University of Southern California. SCEC is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a comprehensive understanding of earthquakes in Southern California and elsewhere, and to communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk.
The primary mission of the Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) is to promote advanced research of the solid earth in order to pioneer a way to better understand earthquakes and volcanic activities. These understandings will promote systematic research for predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, basic research that leads to a mitigation of earthquake and volcanic disasters, and advanced, multifaceted research of geodynamics that cause earthquake and volcanic phenomena.
Our laboratory focuses on local and regional geodynamic studies in several regions of the Earth. The primary activity is the development of 2D and 3D numerical models constrained by fundamental observations from geology and geophysics. The integration of the observations provided by the geopotential fields (gravity and magnetic) helps to better restrain the models.
The GFZ is the national research centre for Earth Sciences in Germany. We investigate “System Earth“ at locations all over the world with all the geological, physical, chemical and biological processes which occur at its surface and in its interior.;jsessionid=86DED2BE2D9E3105AC31FDE67285BEB3
'Make web-accessible the best available geological map data worldwide at a scale of about 1: 1 million, as a geological survey contribution to the International Year of Planet Earth.'
WAPMERR was created in 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, as a non-profit organization for the purposes of reducing risk due to disasters and for rescue planning after disasters. These goals are achieved by advancing methods of real-time loss estimates after earthquakes, by estimating the extent of future disasters in scenario mode, by calculating tsunami risks, by characterizing the nature of the building stock in cities at risk, and through monitoring by satellite images, as well as by earthquake prediction research.
CSM investigates high-performance parallel processing as a tool to model the behavior of fluids in permeable geologic formations such as petroleum and natural gas reservoirs, groundwater aquifers and aquitards, and in shallow bodies of water such as bays and estuaries.
Support fundamental research into all aspects of earthquakes, solid earth processes, and their effects on society through the collection, archival, and delivery of high quality geophysical data and through fostering a dynamic research environment that connects researchers across disciplines and to geophysical observations systems.
Turning observations into information from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun
MCEER is a national center of excellence dedicated to the discovery and development of new knowledge, tools and technologies that equip communities to become more disaster resilient in the face of earthquakes and other extreme events. MCEER accomplishes this through a system of multidisciplinary, multi-hazard research, in tandem with complimentary education and outreach initiatives.
The Geophysics and Geodynamics Group (headed by Prof. Boris Kaus) at the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Mainz is working on understanding how geological processes work, from the grain-scale to the scale of a planet. We predominantly do this with the help of mathematical and numerical models, for which we develop new approaches.
Building a Virtual Earth
Our mission is to provide a framework to support and foster research on the conservation, management, and sustainable use of mountain biodiversity in a changing world and facilitate the dialogue between communities of researchers, stakeholders, and policy-makers engaged in issues of mountain biodiversity and sustainable mountain development.
BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources with a view to sustainable development.
CRWR carries out advanced research, education, design, and planning in water resources and waste management, primarily related to Texas but also involving other areas of the country as well as foreign countries.
An initiative across nearly all the UC campuses and affiliated laboratories to create a state-of-the-art, integrated model of California water resources. Founding Director since Fall 2009 is Professor Jay Famiglietti who additionally holds appointments in the Departments of Earth System Science, and Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Irvine.
The Global Water System Project seeks to answer the fundamental and multi-faceted question: How are humans changing the global water cycle, the associated biogeochemical cycles, and the biological components of the global water system and what are the social feedbacks arising from these changes?
The mission of the Earth Research Institute (ERI) is to support research and education in the sciences of our solid, fluid, and living Earth. Our areas of research comprise Natural Hazards, Human Impacts, Earth System Science, and Earth Evolution.
About NRL NRL is the corporate research laboratory for the Navy and Marine Corps and conducts a broad program of scientific research, technology and advanced development. NRL has served the Navy and the nation for over 85 years and continues to meet the complex technological challenges of today's world.
We develop accurate, efficient, robust and usable high performance computational models of coastal ocean hydrodynamics and transport that can be applied to real engineering problems.
It is the mission of the UNC Coastal Studies Institute to undertake research, offer educational opportunities, provide community outreach programs, and enhance communication among those concerned with the unique history, culture and environment of the maritime counties of North Carolina.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for ocean and earth science research, education, and public service in the world. Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography encompasses physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical studies of the oceans and earth.
The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR) was founded in January 2004 through the merger of the Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) and the Research Center for Marine Geosciences (GEOMAR). The institute's mandate is the interdisciplinary investigation of all relevant aspects of modern marine sciences, from sea floor geology to marine meteorology. Research is conducted worldwide in all oceans.
The CCCma carries out research in modelling and analysis. The modelling component involves •developing computer models of the climate system to simulate global climate, regional climate, and climate change •attributing observed climate changes to specific causes •predicting seasonal and longer term climate variations
The College is a leader in the study of the Earth as an integrated system, providing scientific understanding to address complex environmental challenges.
Is there any resource that is more fundamental to life, more inspiring, more mysterious than the earth itself? Together, the land and sea hold the keys to the health and the welfare of the Earth and all its inhabitants
Exploring the world's oceans - from microbes to global ecosystems
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science has a three-part mission to conduct interdisciplinary research in coastal ocean and estuarine science, educate students and citizens, and provide advisory service to policy makers, industry, and the public. VIMS provides these services to Virginia, the nation, and the world.
The International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) was established to improve our understanding of the role of the ocean at an Earth System Level and its contribution to enabling life to exist on Earth.
The themes are: ecosystem forecasting, ecosystem monitoring, ecosystem-based management, protection and restoration of resources, equatorial oceanography, climate research and impacts, tropical meteorology, and tsunami and other long-period ocean waves. Each of these themes continue to be of major scientific, economic, and social importance and each has readily identifiable participants from both parent institutions.
This site was set up to offer information on all aspects of floods - from the causes to dealing with the effects - as well as be a community to those affected by floods.
A permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support operational ocean services worldwide. GOOS provides accurate descriptions of the present state of the oceans, including living resources; continuous forecasts of the future conditions of the sea for as far ahead as possible, and the basis for forecasts of climate change.a permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support operational ocean services worldwide. GOOS provides accurate descriptions of the present state of the oceans, including living resources; continuous forecasts of the future conditions of the sea for as far ahead as possible, and the basis for forecasts of climate change.
The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), an intergovernmental scientific organization, was established in 1992 to promote and coordinate marine research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas. Its present members are Canada, Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.
The University of California Center for Hydrologic Modeling (UCCHM) is an initiative across nearly all the UC campuses and affiliated laboratories to create a state-of-the-art, integrated model of California water resources.
The SeaDoc Society, founded in 1999, conducts and sponsors scientific research in the inland waters of the Pacific Northwest, also known as the Salish Sea.
DOSI seeks to integrate science, technology, policy, law and economics to advise on ecosystem-based management of resource use in the deep ocean and strategies to maintain the integrity of deep-ocean ecosystems within and beyond national jurisdiction.
Creating a new paradigm for conducting coastal-margin science. It is anticipatory rather than reactive, and is based on an information-rich environment where sensors, models and people all generate and freely share information. We call these integrations “collaboratories.”
CAGE is a world leader in gas hydrate research. We lay the foundation for understanding how methane release impacts the marine environment and climate system.
NCCOS research is used to protect coastal communities from harmful algae, water contamination, and climate impacts. We also provide research necessary to develop effective and sustainable management of their resources.
The Center for Ocean Solutions works to solve the major problems facing the ocean and prepares leaders to take on these challenges.
Research is focused on coastal processes including interaction between land, sea and human being. The common aim of the scientists is the assessment for current and future changes in coastal areas. Thus creating a scientific basis for a sustainable and forward-looking coastal management.
Founded in 2007, the Polar Geospatial Center (PGC) solves geospatial problems at both poles by working with researchers on mapping and remote sensing projects in the most remote locations on Earth.
The World Ocean Council brings together the multi-sector Ocean Business Community to catalyze global leadership and collaboration in ocean sustainability and “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”.
Since 2014, the Ocean & Climate Platform has been working to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policy making. The key objectif: ensuring that the scientific messages on the interactions between the ocean, climate and biodiversity are acknowledged and taken into account by both policy makers and the general public.
Building global knowledge of marine life for local action. Marine Life 2030 is a UN Ocean Decade Endorsed Programme that seeks to transform the observation and forecasting of marine life for the future for the benefit of all people.
ACE CRC leads Australia's effort to understand the roles of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the global climate system and climate change. Our research focuses on projecting future changes in sea level, understanding the ocean's processing of greenhouse gases and managing marine ecosystems, as well as analysing the policy implications of our science.
Official website of the Australian Government covering weather, hydrology and climate.
The Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science is a major initiative funded by the Australian Research Council. The Centre is an international research consortium of five Australian universities and a suite of outstanding national and international Partner Organizations. It will build on and improve existing understanding of the modeling of regional climates to enable enhanced adaptation to and management of climate change, particularly in the Australian region.
CCRC houses research expertise in the key areas Earth's climate: atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes. We apply basic scientific principles to pressing questions on climate dynamics, global climate change, and extremes of weather and climate.
From the most specific and intimate aspects of rock, mineral, plant, marine and animal subjects to projects with a wider landscape, continent or species focus and environmental factors and patterns affecting the entire planet.
The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) was established in 1989 as an independent non-governmental organization to provide information that would help scientists, decision-makers, and the public better understand the changing relationship between human beings and the environment.
The organizing principle of all our undergraduate programs is earth-system science, which not only embraces the full range of competencies within the Department, but also provides an excellent base for environmental studies.
The field of Planetary and Space Physics is fundamentally interdisciplinary, and requires a depth and breadth of expertise impossible to house in a single department. At Georgia Tech, our group spans several schools on campus to reflect this crucial diversity of expertise.
Our scientific research ranges from cosmology and the study of extra-galactic objects, to studies of the Sun, the planets and their moons, the Earth, and humans working and living in space. We also research and develop the next generation of space instrumentation.
The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment was established by the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2008 to create a world-leading centre for policy-relevant research and training on climate change and the environment, bringing together international expertise on economics, finance, geography, the environment, international development and political economy.
The INTERMAGNET programme exists to establish a global network of cooperating digital magnetic observatories, adopting modern standard specifications for measuring and recording equipment, in order to facilitate data exchanges and the production of geomagnetic products in close to real time.
ASPERA is a network of national government agencies responsible for coordinating and funding national research efforts in Astroparticle Physics
The Lunar and Planetary Institute, a division of the Universities Space Research Association, was established during the Apollo missions to foster international collaboration and to serve as a repository for information gathered during the early years of the space program. Today, the LPI is an intellectual leader in lunar and planetary science
Space Weather Research Laboratory (SWRL) is established in September, 2008 by New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). SWRL focuses scientific research in the area of space weather. Its mission is to understand the magnetic activities of the Sun and their effects on the near-Earth environment. The tools are being developed to monitor, understand and forecast solar activity and its geomagnetic effects.
The Europlanet Research Infrastructure links more than 100 laboratories in Europe and around the world. The project aims to help planetary scientists get the best out of their research into the Solar System by organising networking activities, meetings and conferences, providing access to laboratories and field sites in Europe, developing new facilities and field sites and creating online access to planetary science data
The Institute of Planetary Science (IPS) is a multi-departmental research institute encompassing research in planetary science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver Canada
Fulfilling the needs of SEE countries for information on subregional climate change on permanent basis. Serving as a model partnership between national hydrometeorological services in the region and other interested institutions dealing with climate change, as well as with relevant international organizations, regional climate centers, donors, etc.
The international Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) initiative both undertakes and facilitates the recovery of historical instrumental surface terrestrial and marine global weather observations to underpin 4D weather reconstructions (reanalyses) spanning the last 200-250 years for climate applications and impacts needs worldwide.
To locate, rescue, image, digitize and share historic climate data enabling developing countries to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
ICSU mobilises knowledge and resources of the international scientific community to strengthen international science for the benefit of society. Activities focus on three areas: International Research Collaboration; Science for Policy; and Universality of Science. ICSU works with strategic partners to plan and coordinate international research programmes that address major issues of relevance to both science and society. To this end, a number of Interdisciplinary Bodies have been created, addressing various themes, including oceans, the Antarctic, space research and solar-terrestrial physics.
The ESSP is a partnership for the integrated study of the Earth System, the ways that it is changing, and the implications for global and regional sustainability.
The purpose of the society is to promote international cooperation on the Digital Earth vision, and enable the Digital Earth technology to play key roles inter alia, in economic and social sustainable development, environmental protection, disaster mitigation, natural resources conservation and improvement of human being's living standard.
EDA is a community-based facility that serves to support, sustain, and advance the geosciences by providing data services for observational Geoscience data from the Ocean, Earth, and Polar Sciences.
The primary mission of the DCO is to promote the transformational understanding of the chemical and biological roles of carbon in Earth's interior related to reservoirs and fluxes, deep biology, and deep organic synthesis.
The CO2CRC is one of the world's leading collaborative research organisations focused on carbon dioxide capture and geological sequestration
The scientific goal of the project is to develop a complete picture of the global carbon cycle, including both its biophysical and human dimensions together with the interactions and feedbacks between them.
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organization working to drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by business and cities.
Our research programs are designed to advance predictive understanding of ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry under the global environmental change via data-model integration. Major issues we are addressing include (1) how global change alters structure and functions of terrestrial ecosystems, and (2) how terrestrial ecosystems regulate climate change. Our research is aimed at quantifying dynamics of carbon, nutrient, and water resources in ecosystems in responses to environmental changes.
The Earth Microbiome Project is a systematic attempt to characterize global microbial taxonomic and functional diversity for the benefit of the planet and humankind.
The ISCN is a self-chartered, international, collaborative organization composed of scientists who recognize a need for and value in large-scale synthesis of soil carbon science.
The Deep Carbon Observatory is a global community of more than 1000 scientists on a ten-year quest to understand the quantities, movements, forms, and origins of carbon in Earth.
Research into ways to implement and advance the capacity of society and its associated institutions to adapt to change in a functional and realistic manner
The purpose of the Institute is: to increase knowledge and understanding by performing world-class research on climate change and the environment; to promote better informed decision-making about climate change and the environment by engaging with a wide range of key audiences around the world; and to educate and train new generations of researchers through our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
E3G is an independent organisation acting to accelerate the global transition to sustainable development. We leverage outcomes on climate, economics, resources and security.
Unlocking the power of technology for climate smart solutions
CMNS is home to twelve major research institutes and to ten academic departments: Astronomy, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, Biology, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Entomology, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics.
Advancing scientific knowledge of Earth's environment
In partnership with Ball Aerospace, the B612 Foundation will build, launch, and operate an infrared space telescope to find and track the hundreds of thousands of threatening asteroids that cannot be tracked with current telescopes.
Every aspect of space weather and solar wind measurements
Continuing on from the NEOShield project, the NEOShield-2 project has officially started on March 1st, 2015 and will extend over about two and a half years. In response to the PROTEC-2-2014 call of the European Commission to “Access technologies and characterisation for Near Earth Objects (NEOs)” the NEOShield-2 project is under the lead of Airbus Defence and Space in Friedrichshafen, Germany as Project Coordinator
The Center for Meteorite Studies is home to the world's largest university-based meteorite collection. We house specimens representing over 1,700 separate meteorite falls, and our collection is actively used for geological, planetary, and space science research at ASU and throughout the world.
The largest land-based rocket research range in the world and the only high-latitude rocket range in the United States. Poker Flat launches scientific sounding rockets, performs satellite tracking and is home to a growing fleet of unmanned aircraft
Our cosmic home is the main focus of the scientific research performed in the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS): the solar system with its planets and moons, its comets and asteroids, and of course with the Sun.
Near real-time space weather
GeoCosmo’s mission is to establish the scientific understanding of pre-earthquake science necessary for creating a true global earthquake forecast system that could save billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year.
Our goal is to create a community of people bent on together advancing our understanding of the universe; a community of people who are participating in doing science, who can explain why what they do matters, and what questions they are helping to answer
The Breakthrough Initiatives are a program of scientific and technological exploration, probing the big questions of life in the Universe: Are we alone? Are there habitable worlds in our galactic neighborhood? Can we make the great leap to the stars? And can we think and act together – as one world in the cosmos?
The WGM project has been launched in early 2008 in collaboration with Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) and UNESCO. It aims to the diffusion of digital global gravity anomaly maps (free air and Bouguer) for educative and research purposes.
Welcome to the Desert Research Institute (DRI), the environmental research arm of the Nevada System of Higher Education. DRI conducts cutting-edge applied research in air, land and life, and water quality across Nevada, the United States and on every continent. With more than 500 employees and two main campuses in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada, DRI generates $50 million in total annual revenue.
Our Mission is to promote the use of modeling and simulation in ever expanding application areas through education and providing a forum where the scientific basis for its foundations can be enriched through education and research.
The Magneticum simulations are aiming to follow the formation of cosmological structures over a large range of cosmological scales by performing a set of hydrodynamical simulations of different cosmological volumes, each of them sampled with a very large number of particles providing excellent spacial resolution of the different simulations. We take many physical processes into account to allow detailed comparisons to a variety of multi-wavelength observational data. See Simulations for a detailed description for astrophysicists.
Human computation, which encompasses methods such as crowdsourcing, citizen science, and distributed knowledge collection offers new promise for addressing wicked problems, by enabling participatory sensing, group intelligence, and collective action at unprecedented scales.
The HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) Foundation is a not-for-profit consortium of SoC IP vendors, OEMs, academia, SoC vendors, OSVs and ISVs whose challenging the normal of how whole system architecture is structured for combing CPU’s, GPU’s, DSP’s, and other accelerators to bring about forward progress in computing’s foundation to make it dramatically easier to program heterogeneous parallel devices. HSA Foundation is driving this via Royalty Free Specifications and open source software: HSA runtimes and low level compilation tools based on open source technologies like LLVM and GCC.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international industry consortium of 473 companies, government agencies and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available interface standards.
The OpenMI Association is an entirely open not-for-profit international group of organizations and people dedicated to taking the OpenMI (Open Modelling Interface) forward into the future. Its primary objectives are to develop, maintain and promote the OpenMI.
Certification of Open Source Software capabilities
The GeoCommunity™ is for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), CAD, Mapping, and Location-Based industry professionals, enthusiasts, and students to gather.
Multidimentional vulnerability assessment combining biophysical and socio- economic data to generate a tool to identify which human communities are the most vulnerable to the combined impacts of climate and global change.
The aim of the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience is to enable, develop and support world-leading research and knowledge exchange in hazard, risk and resilience by bringing together academics, practitioners, policy makers and local communities. From earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides to security risks and emerging technologies, the Institute studies hazards and risks increasingly relevant to people’s everyday lives.
The International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO) is an intergovernmental organisation with the objective to contribute to the development by States of structures ensuring the protection and assistance of population and safeguarding property and the environment from natural or man-made disasters.
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) is a decade-long research programme co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). It is a global, multi-disciplinary approach to dealing with the challenges brought by natural disasters, mitigating their impacts, and improving related policy-making mechanisms.
IHRR team constitutes of professionals with expertise and experiences in the field of disaster risk management in understanding the risk, conducting academic research and field level implementations in Nepal and different parts of the world
Architecture - Landscape Architecture - Urbanism
The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (consolidated as the "Belt and Road") Initiative seeks to enable its participants to address the challenges posed by climate variability, intensified use of land and marine resources, and the fragility of many ecosystems. Other transnational problems, such as air pollution and water quality and security, can also be mitigated with cooperation in the Belt and Road region, ultimately striving to meet the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs).;;;
GIP Digital Watch features more than 1000 digital policy instruments assigned to specific IG issues and actors. You can access them below through an interactive visualisation and through custom search
The Energy Institute (EI) is the professional membership body for the world of energy. The EI Statistical Review of World EnergyTM analyses data on world energy markets from the prior year. It has been providing timely, comprehensive and objective data to the energy community since 1952.