Earth & Space Observation Technologies

EO programs:

Artic colors project

Archaeology from space

Invaluable eyes in te sky

Summary of ESA missions

Monitoring our changing planet

Thriving on our changing planet

NASA - interactive satellite tracker

2014: a big year for NASA Earth Science

Unleashing the power of Earth observations

Multi-talented Earth-observing satellite launched

US government's Earth observations 2011 budget

Continuity of NASA Earth observations from space

Dream Chaser space plane program off the ground

PRISMA: small innovative Earth observation mission

NASA turns 55: an Ars Technica tribute to space flight

New dimensions to monitor Earth prove ever-more useful

UN-SPIDER: space-based information for crowdsource mapping

Crafting geoinformation - the art and science of Earth observation

World's major development banks look closer at Earth observation

Maintaining large-scale satellite constellations using logistics approach

Earth observation satellite Worldview-4 with a resolution 30cm launched

Planetary Resources raises funding and unveils advanced EO capability

From hotspots to hopespots: connecting local changes to global audiences

Data Cube - the future of Earth observation data management and analysis

Scientists may have solved mystery surrounding light flashes reflecting off Earth

Nothing escapes the global ear: nuclear tests, volcanoes, earthquakes or meieors

Viewing Earth from space:


New NASA images of Earth

NASA's global Earth selfie 2014

You are not where you think you are

Sentinel-06 Michael Freilich first light sea level 

NASA GOLD captures its first image of the Earth

First ever direct measurement of the Earth’s rotation

GLIMR: NASA targets coastal ecosystems with new space sensor 

Japan's new satellite captures an image of Earth every 10 minutes

Illuminating gases in the sky: NASA technology pinpoints potent greenhouse gases

GOES program:



GOES 13 time lapse video

GOES 6 months time lapse video

10 years of GOES data visulaized in 3 minutes

GOES-S and GOES-T satellites coming together

GOES-R improvements to provide stunning, continuous full-disk imagery

DSCOVR/EPIC program:



DSCOVR data - the 2 solstices

Deep space climate observatory

DSCOVR data - Asian analemma

DSCOVR data - Americas analemma

DSCOVR data - Europe/Africa analemma

NASA satellite provides 'EPIC' view of Earth

DSCOVR Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC)

DSCOVR: first operational satellite in deep space reaches final orbit

CubeSats, Microsatellites & NanoSatellites:

Launching the small satellite revolution

Small satellites a big deal for remote sensing

Minature weather satellites launched into orbit

RAVAN cubesat measures Earth's outgoing energy

NASA small satellites set to take a fresh look at Earth

NASA's space cubes: small satellites provide big payoffs

NASA selects cubesat, Smallsat mission concept studies

Japan advances university-led microsatellite constellation

Hello, goodbye. First interplanerary cubesats zip past Mars

Student-built space weather satellite targets killer electrons

Cubesat launch initiative opens space to educators, nonprofits

Small spacecraft makes 1st 883-gigahertz global ice-cloud map

NASA to launch 6 small satellites to monitor, study tropical cyclones

Low-cost instrument developed by high school students could aid severe weather research

Earth topography and mapping:

Landsat looks and sees

GRACE: gravity is climate

Delving inside Earth from space

Landsat - a planetary perspective

ATM: Airborne Topographic Mapper

More accurate topography from space

GOCE reveals gravity dip from ice loss

A step closer to mapping the Earth in 3D

MMS: Magnetosphere Multiscale mission     

NASA radar to study volcanoes in Alaska, Japan

Deploying a wireless sensor network on an active volcano    

Mapping gravity, magnetism & inner Earth:

NMR using Earth's magnetic field 

SWARM 'delivers on magnetic promise'

Surveying Earth's interior with atomic clocks

Researchers reveal new technique for measuring gravity

Technologies for weather and climate monitoring:

A refined forecast for satellite displacement

AMS: Earth observations, science and services for the 21st century

WMO highlights importance of radio frequencies for Earth observations

SwRI awarded $54M contract to develop QuickSounder weather satellite

Accurate water vapour measurements for improved weather and climate models

Meteorological satellites make growing contribution to socio-economic development


MetOp-A from Europe

AIRS and weather science

Watch could make you a walking weather station

Europe secures new generation of weather satellites

Balloon-borne disposable radiometer for cloud detection

Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS II)

NASA to launch JPSS-1 global satellite to track extreme weather patterns

NASA launches two satellites from NZ as part of cyclone-monitoring project

Latest progress of Chinese meteorological satellite program and core data processing technologies


NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)

International global precipitation measurement mission data goes public

First images available from NASA-JAXA global rain and snowfall satellite


Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)


Aeolus: preparing to fly the wind

Aeolus wows with first wind data

Probing the core of tropical cyclones

ESA-SMOS-Super storm tracked by ESA water mission 

Taiwan launches unmanned aircraft for typhoon research

NASA mission sending unmanned aircraft over hurricanes

The scatterometer: watching the winds where sea meets sky

Under pressure: stormy weather sensor for hurricane forecasting

Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems - D (TEMPEST-D)

Unmanned aerial systems successfully measure atmospheric turbulence above Indian Ocean


Flying thermometers

Radio waves measure atmospheric temperature changes

Temperature tracking device for packages may have climate metrology applications


Researchers use graphene quantum dots to detect humidity and pressure


Snow radar (CReSIS)

NASA airborne snow observatory

NASA cold weather airborne campaign to measure falling snow 

Scientists deploy lasers, GPS technology to improve snow measurements

New NASA airborne campaigns to explore snowstorms, river deltas, climate



Cryosat hits land 

Cryosat goes to sea 

Ice data at your fingertips

CryoSat ice data now open to all 

CryoSat ice satellite rides new waves

NASA's Icebridge seeking new view of changing sea ice

Custom-designed radar measures Antarctic ice with millimetre accuracy



ARGO Floats

Aquarius: ocean salinity

SMOS has a better look at salinity

Putting IoT into the world's oceans

ESA's sharp eyes on coastal waters

China launches new marine satellite

CORAL/PRISM for coastlines and reefs

UW instals on-line deep-sea observatory

Observing ocean acidification from space

Ocean measurements from space in 2025

NASA mission will observe Earth's salty seas

The color of the ocean: the SABIA-Mar mission    

Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data now live

The precarious future of ocean color satellite imagery

CRYOSAT sets new standard for measuring sea level

Swarm satellite mission to try to sense ocean magnetism

Jason: last transmitter dies, finalizing retirement for ocean-sensing satellite 

SSTL demostrates innovative method for measuring ocean winds and waves from space

Greenhouse gases & climate:

Measuring our climate - photos

Modelling Earth's climate from space

Measuring CO2 to fight global warming

China launches CO2 monitoring satellite

Methane measurements at low level flight

Minature sensors may advance climate studies

SAGE: Stratosperic Aerosol and Gas Experiment

NASA;s orbiting carbon observatory-3 gets first datat

Drones poised to be new climate surveillance workhorses

Wireless sensor network monitors microclimate in the forest

New US research push to better measure climate emissions

NASA selects new instrument to continue key climate record

NIST 'combs' the atmosphere to measure greenhouse gases

Climate change math in treaties flawed by suspect calculations

What can the Mars rover tell us about climate change on Earth?

Application of ICT for climate change adaptation in the water sector

Innovation in spectroscopy could improve greenhouse gas detection

FORUM 2026 launch to measure far-IR outgoing radaiation from TOA

SAGE III to provide highly accurate measrements of atmospheric gases

New research brings satellite measurements and global climate models closer

Technologies for environmental monitoring:

NASA ECOSTRESS maps LA's hot spots

Drones promise to improve ecological modelling

NASA sends terrabytes of data to African environmental scientists 

Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (CTEMPS)

Remote sensing techniques for studying coastal ecosystems: an overview

New eyes in the sky - technique to help pollution forecasters see past clouds

Improving environmental change research with systematic techniques for qualitative scenarios

Academic and research capacity development in Earth observation for environmental management

Air quality:

How to catch aerosols in the act

On the trail of a hazy global killer

AIRS (Atmosperic infraRed Sounder)

The future of monitoring air quality from space

Water quality:

Floating sensor network

TROPOMI finds source of pollutants

Water resource applications with RADARSAT-2

Earth observation for water resource management 

Water quantity - location of streamflow gauging stations

NASA PACE: Plankton, Aerosols, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem

New research leads to sensors that detect contaminants in water

Measuring mercury levels: nano-velcro detects water-borne toxic metals


COSMOS (COsmic-ray Soil Mositure Observing System)

A new way to study permafrost soil, above and below ground


ECOSTRESS will monitor plant health

New NASA probe will study Earth's forests in 3D

ESA investigates new methods of mapping tropical forest from space

Technologies for disaster management & emergency response:

Watching over you

Saving lives with satellites

Sensing disasters from space

FINDER: radar for locating disaster victims

New satellite may make food prediction easier

NASA developing natural hazard warning systems 

UK celebrates a decade of disaster monitoring from space  

Low-cost imaging system detects natural gas leaks in real time

Space-based information for Disaster Preparedness and Risk Management

UN platform for SPace-based Information for Disaster management and Emergency Response (SPIDER)

Technologies for earthquake & tsunami monitoring:

Earthquake monitoring systems

GOCE: the first seismometer in space

Scientists detect seismic signals from tornado

Quake-detection app captured nearly 400 temblors worldwide

Earth's many voices - a unified theory for pre-earthquake signals

Newly developed seismogeodesy for rapid earthquake and tsunami charcterization

Team develops new, inexpensive method for understanding earthquake topography

EO Dashboards:

Tri-agency (NASA, ESA, JAXA) Earth Observing dashboard

Other newly developed EO & Space sensor technologies:





ESA's Sentinel pogram 

ICON miission overview

WFIRST infrared telescope

Mobile LIDAR expanding rapidly

Registry of geophysical equipment 

Large ring lasers for rotation sensing

A new radiocarbon yardstick from Japan

Sentinel-1 satellites combine radar vision

World's best thermometer made from light

China launches new space science program

DARPA achieves circuit speed of one terahertz

Sensors: drawing a line with carbon nanotubes

More gold - and other minerals - in them thar hills?

New imaging tool directly measures liquid surfaces

DESHIMA: development of innovative radio receivers

'First light' taken by NASA's newest CERES instrument         

Giant surveillance balloons are lurking at the edge of space

SMILE: Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer

New instruments developed for finding extraterrestrial bacteria

UK Government investment brings low cost radar satellites to market 

EO from aiborne platforms: 

ACCLIP study of Asian Summer Monsoon

20 NASA balloons studying the radiation belts

Space-based EO:

CEOS - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites              

GMES in Action - Conference Declaration    


Tropospheric emissions spectrometer (TES)

Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)

NASA mission ready to brave Earth's radiation belts    Space weather ACE

Glory team overcomes engineering obstacles

Pleiades, the CNES Earth observation satellite, captures its first images using e2v sensors

NASA's 2012 GRAIL project    

Goddard team builds state-of-the-art facility for new Sun-Earth mission 

NASA's NPP satellite acquires first ATMS measurements  

NASA's THEMIS sees a great electron escape

Infrared Sounder on Suomi NPP Starts its Mission

Gemini Planet Imager

HIAPER - Pole to Pole Observations        MODIS  

GEOscan program background    CIMSS Satellite Perspective   

NASA's 'Salt of the Earth' Aquarius reveals first map

New FASTSAT discoveries paint detailed view of region near Earth

SMAP   SMAP instruments    Suomi NPP    Landsat

AURA     CATS     FOXSI      SMAP     MMS    ALOS-2    MSG-3    AMSR-E    SMILES    GEMMA    GAIA 
Observations from the ISS and Shuttle:


ISS benefits for humanity

Portrait of Shuttle and Station

ISS-RapidScat gathers first data

Ultra high definition views from the ISS

Earth's atmosphere: new results from the ISS

ISS servir environmental research and visualization system

Ability of ISS to provide assistance during natural disasters on Earth

Mission to exploare 'cosmic rain' mysteries is going to Space Station    

Ocean bouys, wave gliders & webcam-based EO:

Argo's global array of profiling floats revealed ocean changes - 15 years of ocean observations

New generation of micro sensors for monitoring ocean acidification     

New techniques to predict future sea-level rise    World's first 'on-demand' autonomous marine water sampling

Next-gen ocean temperature sensor     Underwater gliders study observe melting Antarctic ice sheets   

New tide guage uses GPS signals to measure sea level rise   Wave Glider SV3    UAVSAR

Wave Glider, a Floating Robot, Seeks to Network the Oceans

Long-range undersea robot does its own research

Successful deployment of an autonomous deep-sea explorer to search for new forms of microbial life 

University using new tech to record Antarctic Ocean, ice temp    PacX

GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)    Rogue wave theory to save ships

East Coast Tsunami Risk Investigated With Sonar   Tracking tsunamis with radarSensing the deep ocean        
Deploying instruments on the seafloor in the deep ocean    Ocean Observatories Initiative

LOOKING: Cyberinfrastructure for Ocean Observatories       

Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory    Integrated Ocean Observing System

Scientists Set Course for Next Decade of Scientific Ocean Drilling

Nereus soars to the ocean's deepest trenches    New tool can 'take pulse' of algae status in lakes

First satellite tag study for habits and hidden journeys of ocean giants 

Internet & cell phone-based EO:

Cell phone based data collection

Using technology in crisis preparedness

Internet of Things and ubiquitous sensing

Using cell phone signals to measure rainfall  

Smart way of saving lives in natural disasters  

Smartphones could provide weather data in poor nations

Smart phones, tabletss help UW resesarchers improve storm forecasts    

Using mobile phones to reduce the adversities of climate change in rural Nepal

Common operational datasets (CODs) in disaster preparedness and response

Role of information and communications technology in the implementation of the Hyogo framework for action

Observations of our Moon:

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter    

Turning the Moon into a cosmic ray detector

Observations of our Sun and Space Weather:

Future interplanetary space weather assets

Chinese-led solar research is looking bright

How NASA's Parker Solar Probe will touch the Sun

SDO Helps measure magnetic fields on the Sun's surface

Proposals to further study the fundamental nature of space