We should live here on Earth as though we will be here forever, not as though we are just visiting for the weekend!
The Global Goals
Earth's new normal
Why the SDGs matter
The road to sustainability
The science of sustainability
Seizing sustainable development
A radical yet realistic route to 2030
UNEP: Healthy Planet, Healthy People
Roundtable on sustainable development
Is sustainability science really a science?
Transforming innovation for sustainability
New quantitaive approaches, new indices
Transforming development and disaster risk
How can the development goals be achieved?
Building a sustainable future: protecting communities
Community-based learning for sustainable development
From ambition to execution: policies in support of SDGs
IUCN: no one can go it alone on sustainable development
Sustainable devlopmment must account for pandemic risk
Sustainable energy recovery from thermal processes: a review
Migration transforms the conditions for the achievement of the SDGs
Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
UNEP financial initiative: Guidelines for climate target setting for banks
Gathering storms and silver linings - what's holding back SDG progress?
Science as a common language for contribution to sustainability and peace
One Planet - One Future: equity and resilience for sustainable development
Sustainability and the astrobiological perspective: framing human futures in a planetary context
Toward a new theory of sustainable development: drawing on insights from modern legal theory
The case of the renewable energy ecosystem: weaving an innovation network from the middle out
Sustainability assessments of energy scenarios: citizens' preferances for and sustainability indicators
Land, ocean & environment sustainability:
Living off the land, living off-grid
The Optimistic Environmentalist
Providing sustainable cooling for all
Designing a landscape for sustainability
A blueprint for ocean and coastal sustainability
Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals
Stewart Brand proclaims 4 environmental 'heresies'
Computers play a crucial role in preserving the Earth
The value of land - and sustainable land management
Earth science offers key to many UN 'Sustainability Goals'
An integrated framework for Sustainable Development Goals
Stronger paper bags could be the answer to throwaway plastic
Governance for planetary health and sustainable development
Planetary stewardship in an urbanizing world: beyond city limits
Integrating Ecological Servics (IES) into developmental planning
Sustainability challenged as many renewable resources max out
Agriculture: the smartest investment for sustainable development
Sustainable environment in the post-2015 development framework
Weaving indigenous and sustainability sciences to diversify our methods
Sustainable forest biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines
Guidelines for designing projects with ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation
Material scientists set out to beat plastic packaging from 3 fronts. They succeeded
Towards a new view of sustainable development: human well-being and environmental stress
A conceptual model of the social-ecological system of nature-based solutions in urban environments
Planetary Accounting Framework: understanding the impacts of human activitty on Planetary Boundaries
Resource sustainability:
UNEP WG on extractive industries
Climate change and sustainability:
Sustainable development - perspective of WMO
Defining the energy conundrum of cooling for all
Alignment to advance climate-resilient development
Climate action and the SDGs: interlinked and indivisible
Two degrees C and SDGs: united they stand, divided they fall
El Nino and climate-linked emergencies threaten achievment of SDGs
Sustainability and the economy:
The circular economy
What is telecoupling?
True business sustainability
Explore SDG business solutions
New calculus of sustanable investing
Mapping reilience for the SDGs: GAR special report 2023
Principles of sustainable economy: an anthroologist's view
Companies are supporting some SDGs at the expense of others
The role of renewable energy sources in green planning of cities and communities
Management principles for vehicles, buildings and modernizing our vehicles, buildings, and electric grids
Sustainabiliy reports:
Global Goals Vision Report
Global sustainable development report
A post-pandemic assessment of the SDGs
A roadmap to science missions for sustainability
Global Investors for Sustainable Develoment Alliance Report
Progress report for Sustainable Development Goals, July 2018
Sustainable development outlook 2020, achieving SDGs in the wake of Covid-19, policymaker scenarios
Projejct Drawdown:
Project Drawdown roadmap
A cautious case for climate optimism
Asia and a Sustainable Earth
APEC: science diplomacy never more important
Sustainable Mountain Development - Central Asia
China: Vice-Premier pledges clean water, blue skies
The grey wall of China: inside the world's concrete superpower
Telecoupling science shows China's forest sustainability packs global impact
Five measures to promote safe and resilient development in Central America
Middle East:
Arab sustainable development report
International Geneva as a laboratory of agile global governance
Mediterranean strategy for sustainable development 2016-2025
European Green Deal (EGD) - legal and finacial challenges of the climate change
The economic rationale of Nature-Based Solutions in Europe's rivers and wetlands
SDG 8 and the food-enery-water nexus: a two-country dynamic computable general equilibrium CGE model