ICES intends to collaborate directly or indirectly with an extended network of organizations that are active in the socio-economic realm and have alignment with the ICES mission, such as those indicated below:
Mission Statement: to provide business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development, and to support the business license to operate, innovate and grow in a world increasingly shaped by sustainable development issues.
ISO is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. It may be used as such, or may be implemented through incorporation in national standards of different countries. ISO launches the development of new standards in response to sectors and stakeholders that express a clearly established need for them. Because ISO standards are voluntary agreements, they need to be based on a solid consensus of international expert opinion. For a document to be accepted as an ISO International Standard, it must be approved by at least two-thirds of the ISO national members that participated in its development and not be disapproved by more than a quarter of all ISO members who vote on it.
Established in 1964, UNCTAD promotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on development, with a particular focus on ensuring that domestic policies and international action are mutually supportive in bringing about sustainable development.
The UNDRR is a strategic framework, adopted by United Nations Member States in 2000, aiming to guide and coordinate the efforts of a wide range of partners to achieve substantive reduction in disaster losses and build resilient nations and communities as an essential condition for sustainable development. Additional information is available at:
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country. It also has a mandate to help stateless people.
To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.
OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort.
IDM shapes global efforts to eradicate infectious diseases and to achieve permanent improvements in the health of those most in need. By developing, using, and freely sharing computational modeling tools, we advise policymakers, promote quantitative decision-making and advance scientific methodologies.
Our health depends on our environment
The ICRC has a legal mandate from the international community. That mandate has two sources: the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which task the ICRC with visiting prisoners, organizing relief operations, re-uniting separated families and similar humanitarian activities during armed conflicts; the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), which encourage it to undertake similar work in situations of internal violence, where the Geneva Conventions do not apply. The Geneva Conventions are binding instruments of international law, applicable worldwide. The Statutes of the Movement are adopted at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, which takes place every four years, and at which States that are party to the Geneva Conventions take part, thereby conferring a quasi-legal or “soft law” status on the Statutes.
Human actions lie at the heart of current global environmental change. Societies define the boundaries and character of their environments, while affecting and reacting to their environment with only a limited and biased understanding of it. To understand and respond effectively to these current changes requires major inputs from the social sciences - the perspective of human behaviour and actions.
The mission of GCI is to respond to the combined challenges of security, poverty and environmental degradation to ensure a sustainable and secure future.
A network representing 82 European non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active in humanitarian aid worldwide. VOICE is the main NGO interlocutor with the European Union on emergency aid, relief, rehabilitation and disaster risk reduction. As a European network, it represents and promotes the values and specificities of humanitarian NGOs, in collaboration with other humanitarian actors.
Mobilizing scientific and technical expertise for local, national, and global problem solving
To develop a land use/resource–economics computer Model. This will be used to develop practical deliverable scenarios for low carbon urban development. To develop and scale-up an algae bioreactor and anaerobic digestion technologies. This is planned in partnership with leading technology partners around the world who shall participate in the Trust. The scaled-up technologies shall be deployed in demonstrator projects. To identify and establish at least three locations to demonstrate a low carbon sustainable development pathway for eco-city concepts in China, India and Africa. The scope of these demonstration projects is likely to cover (a) a ‘green-field’ eco-city, (b) a region adjacent to an existing large conurbation, (c) a heavily industrialised region. To support the creation of teaching material for urbanists in China, India and Africa. This aims to disseminate the learning from the demonstration programmes
The Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) is a consortium of individuals and institutions dedicated to the analysis of climate change mitigation, and from an urban perspective.
In this fast urbanizing world, Citiscope spurs innovations to help cities work better for all of their people through the power of independent journalism.
We are a delivery-focused network of global cities that, in partnership with companies, academia and other organizations, is developing common approaches and solutions to help cities build a sustainable future.
Blacksmith Institute works in some of the world's worst polluted places, sharing resources and expertise with local groups and agencies to solve pollution problems, clean up polluted sites, and save lives.
The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is the UK's Centre of Excellence for integrated research in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their interaction with the atmosphere.
A project of the NYU Furman Center, describes the people and housing located in the U.S. floodplain.
The National Ecological Observatory Network provides open data to understand changing ecosystems. It is funded by the US NSF.
For more than 45 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.
IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice. IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries. IUCN’s work is supported by more than 1,000 professional staff in 60 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. The Union’s headquarters are located in Gland, near Geneva, Switzerland.
The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) was established to address the greatest challenge of 21st-century science -- understanding biological complexity.
Bioversity undertakes, encourages and supports research aimed at enhancing the sustainable use and conservation of agricultural biodiversity to the world's most vulnerable communities
The Conservation Council of Nations is building the world's strongest network of policymakers, corporations, and NGOs to promote the efficient and beneficial use of natural resources and effective transnational conservation solutions, including through its Natural Resource Wealth Management™ program and initiatives.
The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
The National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) of Costa Rica is a private research and biodiversity management center, established in 1989 to support all efforts made to gather knowledge on the country’s biological diversity and promote its sustainable use. The institute works under the premise that the best way to conserve biodiversity is to study it, value it, and utilize the opportunities it offers to improve the quality of life of human beings.
We imagine a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term benefit of people and all life on Earth.
An international network and research infrastructure funded by the world’s governments and aimed at providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.
ZooArchNet is a project that aims to mobilize data about archaeological animal remains in a way that best supports open data and open science approaches for both biological and anthropological research.
With science at its core and our transcendent moral obligation to the rest of life at its heart, the Half-Earth Project is working to conserve half the land and sea to safeguard the bulk of biodiversity, including ourselves.
The E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation’s mission is to foster a knowing stewardship of our world through biodiversity research and education initiatives that promote and inform worldwide preservation of our biological heritage.
Anyone watching a transmitting animal in nature can report their observations and thus help provide a better understanding of the movement data of animals
EuropaBONs mission is to overcome existing data gaps and workflow bottlenecks by designing an EU-wide framework for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In the same spirit that inspired Stanford’s role in Silicon Valley’s high-tech revolution, the Woods Institute is pioneering innovative approaches to meet the environmental challenges of the 21st century – from climate change to sustainable food supplies to ocean conservation.
The Institute’s mission is to promote just and sustainable societies and to protect the environment by advancing the understanding, development and implementation of effective, accountable and democratic systems of governance for sustainable development.
ProAct Network helps vulnerable communities improve resilience to disasters, climate change, and humanitarian crises through sustainable environmental management.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development is a Canadian-based, international public policy research institute for sustainable development.
Dedicated to planning a sustainable future and providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there.
IUFRO is "the" global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in over 110 countries, and is a member of ICSU. Scientists cooperate in IUFRO on a voluntary basis.
CNGB, as an unincorporated international collaborative institute, is devoted to the comprehensive collection of biological resources (including specimens from humans, and other animals, plants and microorganisms) preservation, bioinformatics data generation and a global network establishment to promote information sharing and exchange. CNGB operates through collaborative activities between universities, hospitals and scientific institutes that share an interest in biobanking, resource utilization and bioinformatics.
The French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions.
The Forest Observation System is an international cooperation to establish a global in-situ forest biomass database to support earth observation and to encourage investment in relevant field-based observations and science. The Forest Observation System provides well curated biomass plot data in a unified format, that is aggregated from tree level data consistently across different networks.
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is an Australian non-for-profit organisation with links to Australian business and philanthropy and the national coral reef research and management agencies. It provides an independent channel for private investment from both business and philanthropic sources, working with its partners to develop and fund the highest priority research projects on the Reef. The Foundation's mission is to raise and provide funding to support research that contributes to the environmental protection, enhancement, preservation and conservation of tropical reefs (especially the Great Barrier Reef) and adjoining coral coasts, for the benefit of the world community
The Foundation recognizes that environmental issues are inherently interconnected, and it marshals staff and financial resources across its programs to achieve success
The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) is an overarching and integrated network designed to serve ecosystem research in Australia. It builds on significant past investments by scientists and governments to understand Australian ecosystems. It does this by focussing on collating, calibrating, validating and standardising existing data sets.
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies undertakes world-best integrated research for sustainable use and management of coral reefs.
To reduce poverty and hunger, improve human health and nutrition, and enhance ecosystem resilience through high-quality international agricultural research, partnership and leadership.
CCAFS seeks to overcome the threats to agriculture and food security in a changing climate, exploring new ways of helping vulnerable rural communities adjust to global changes in climate
Incorporate state-of-the-art climate products as well as crop and agricultural trade model improvements in coordinated regional and global assessments of future climate impacts Include multiple models, scenarios, locations, crops and participants to explore uncertainty and impact of data and methodological choices Collaborate with regional experts in agronomy, economics, and climate to build strong basis for applied simulations addressing key climate-related questions Improve scientific and adaptive capacity for major agricultural regions in the developing and developed world
The Nutrient Network is a grassroots research effort to address questions within a coordinated research network comprised of more than 40 grassland sites worldwide.
Part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the International Livestock Research Institute works with partners worldwide to help poor people keep their farm animals alive and productive, increase and sustain their livestock and farm productivity and find profitable markets for their animal products.
Twenty-six research sites constitute the LTER Network at present. The Network includes a wide range of ecosystem types spanning broad ranges of environmental conditions and human domination of the landscape. The geographic distribution of sites ranges from Alaska to Antarctica and from the Caribbean to French Polynesia and includes agricultural lands, alpine tundra, barrier islands, coastal lagoons, cold and hot deserts, coral reefs, estuaries, forests, freshwater wetlands, grasslands, kelp forests, lakes, open ocean, savannas, streams, and urban landscapes.
Our Purpose is to foster interdisciplinary approaches for understanding global change at all scales using the tools of both the social and bio-physical sciences.
Earth Economics provides robust, science-based, ecologically sound economic analysis, policy recommendations and tools to positively transform regional, national and international economics, and asset accounting systems.
Stockholm Resilience Centre advances research on the governance of social-ecological systems with a special emphasis on resilience - the ability to deal with change and continue to develop.
Our research and expert analysis help policy makers and practitioners shape effective policy, improve the management of tropical forests and address the needs and perspectives of people who depend on forests for their livelihoods.
Wetlands International is the only global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. We are deeply concerned about the loss and deterioration of wetlands such as lakes, marshes and rivers. Our vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.
The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) is a nonprofit science center dedicated to cross-disciplinary research in evolution. NESCent is jointly operated by Duke University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University, and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
The Land Matrix is a global and independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability in decisions over land and investment.
The BC3 is a Research Centre based in the Basque Country which aims to contribute to long term research on the causes and consequences of climate change in order to foster the creation of knowledge in this multidisciplinary science.
Ecosystem Valuation provides a non-technical overview of the economic theory of benefit estimation, and an overview of valuation methods and practical considerations for applying them.
Permaculture integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture studies and applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics and community development.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is a global initiative focused on “making nature’s values visible”. Its principal objective is to mainstream the values of biodiversity and ecosystem services into decision-making at all levels. It aims to achieve this goal by following a structured approach to valuation that helps decision-makers recognize the wide range of benefits provided by ecosystems and biodiversity, demonstrate their values in economic terms and, where appropriate, capture those values in decision-making.
Empowering participants in the global forest, wood products, paper products, biochemical and bioenergy industries
Societies require a broad knowledge of the global water system with regard to achieving sustainability, reducing poverty or maintaining biodiversity and environmental flows.
The Centre of Excellence cements Australia’s leading contribution to coral reef sciences, and fosters stronger collaborative links between the major partners and 24 other leading institutions in nine countries.
The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) was created in Geneva in November 2002 following recommendations formulated during the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg two months earlier. The mandate called for federation and unification of the disparate rainwater harvesting (RWH) movement around the world, to promote rainwater as a valuable water resource and to build on achievements in this field for the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals
To generate real-time data for monitoring long term trends in tropical biodiversity through a global network of field stations, providing an early warning system on the status of biodiversity to effectivvely guide conservation action.
To establish a world class research infrastructure to characterise the structure and evolution of the Australian continent in a global context from surface to core in space and time.
The Alberta Water Research Institute was established in the spring 2007 to coordinate world class and leading edge research to support Alberta’s provincial water strategy, Water for Life: A Strategy for Sustainability.
The OTRC’s mission is to provide technology, expertise, and services needed for the development of drilling, production, and transportation systems that enable the safe and economically viable exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in deep and ultra-deep water.
The Global Partnership for Oceans is a growing alliance of governments, international organizations, civil society groups, and private sector interests that will mobilize knowledge and financial resources to address threats to ocean health, resilience and productivity.
The GIScCE will employ the capabilities of geographic information science, namely remote sensing, geographic information systems, digital mapping, and geostatistics, to document and understand the changing earth.
IRDR is a decade-long integrated research programme co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR). It is a global, multi-disciplinary approach to dealing with the challenges brought by natural disasters, mitigating their impacts, and improving related policy-making mechanisms
The Global Adaptation Institute is a non-profit environmental organization guided by a vision of building resilience against climate change and other global forces as a key component to sustainable development. Our mission is to enhance the world’s understanding of the urgency for adaptation to climate change and other global forces and the support needed through private and public investments for developing countries.
CERFACS (Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique) is a research organization that aims to develop advanced methods for the numerical simulation and the algorithmic solution of large scientific and technological problems of interest for research as well as industry, and that requires access to the most powerful computers presently available.
The primary mover and initiator for and of European simulation and modelling projects, which bridge the gap between academic and industry based simulation and modelling research in Europe. This, by using the power of communication, dissemination of information and member-sourcing.
The common goal of humankind is to realize a society in which every person can enjoy a comfortable life. Science and technology can lead the way to such a society. The mission entrusted to AIST and its staff, as members of the scientific community, is to develop science and technology that complements society and the environment. We, the staff members of AIST, recognize our mission and responsibility to society. We work towards the realization of such a society through research and development in industrial science and technology.
To provide Shanghai as well as the whole country with technological and decision-making support needed for the new economic growth patterns, and to deliver economic and social benefits of technological achievements by leveraging social resources for technology incubation.
Calit2 represents a new mechanism to address large-scale societal issues by bringing together multidisciplinary teams of the best minds (both on and beyond UC campuses) in a way that had been impossible earlier.
Founded in 1985, the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) enables international science and engineering discoveries through advances in computational science and data-intensive, high-performance computing.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is Australia's national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world.
At CO2CRC we research a range of technologies that enable the capture of carbon dioxide from fuel combustion and industrial processes. We investigate advanced monitoring techniques of CO2, once trapped in underground rock formations.
UNC Asheville's NEMAC helps people understand the relevance and importance of complex issues such as climate change, forest health, hazard mitigation, competitive land use, and the wise use of our energy and water resources.
Department of Earth Science and Engineering
Science research and space exploration involve high stakes games that push the boundaries of culture, policy, commerce, and even philanthropy.
The program of ISSI covers a widespread spectrum of disciplines including the physics of the solar system and planetary sciences to astrophysics and cosmology, and from Earth sciences to astrobiology
The Kavli Foundation, based in Oxnard, California, is dedicated to the goals of advancing science for the benefit of humanity and promoting increased public understanding and support for scientists and their work.
The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research is a collaborative centre based in Perth, Western Australia. Already achieving research excellence in astronomical science and engineering, ICRAR has grown steadily since its launch in September 2009.
ARC Centre of Excellence for all sky astrophysics in 3D
The Space Science Institute’s National Center for Interactive Learning (NCIL) provides interactive STEM exhibits, programming, and training to public libraries nationwide through its Science‐Technology Activities and Resources Library Education Network (STAR_Net). Core partners include the American Library Association (ALA), Lunar and Planetary Institute, and the Afterschool Alliance
Our aim is to explore the origin and evolution of planetary systems from a dynamic perspective by integrating high-precision isotope studies of meteorites with stellar evolution theory, astrophysical models and astronomical observations. We hope to understand the circumstances that allowed for the formation of the terrestrial planets in our solar system, including the preservation of water worlds like Earth, where life has been thriving for nearly 4 billion years.
The Virtual Planet Laboratory (VPL) is a team of scientists who are building computer simulated Earth-sized planets to discover the likely range of planetary environments for planets around other stars.
The Minor Planet Center, is the single worldwide location for receipt and distribution of positional measurements of minor planets, comets and outer irregular natural satellites of the major planets. The MPC is responsible for the identification, designation and orbit computation for all of these objects. This involves maintaining the master files of observations and orbits, keeping track of the discoverer of each object, and announcing discoveries to the rest of the world via electronic circulars and an extensive website.
How does life begin and evolve, does life exist elsewhere in the universe, and what is the future of life on Earth and beyond?
To create a physics-based numerical simulation model that describes the space environment from the Sun to the Earth.
The past 50 years of space exploration and utilization have created an orbiting junkyard of orbital debris. Over 22,000 pieces of space junk—10 centimeters or larger—are currently being tracked in Earth’s orbit. But there is a much larger junkyard of debris, with smaller pieces numbering in the hundreds of thousands to millions that are beyond the scope of current tracking capabilities and are just as capable of causing significant damage.
Borexino is an international experiment, located deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of Italy. The experiment is dedicated to the observation of low-energy solar neutrinos.
Science software is mostly not published. We’re changing that by working with scientists, funding bodies, and agencies: all the software must be available for the public to see.
Benetech continues to be a different kind of tech company—a nonprofit—with a pure focus on developing technology for the social good.
Last year, we hosted a competition with over 20 of the most urgent circular economy challenges of Israel's leading companies that were looking for innovative solutions. This year our focus is on a quest for effective circular/blue economy solutions. We are presenting around 20 open challenges by public and private bodies and are inviting teams to submit proven solutions and propose the necessary adaptations in order to bring them to Israel as well as new ideas and concepts that would address the challenges,
Confronting The Challenges Of Global Climate Change
As a network of independent consultants for South and South-East Asia, we have provided numerous evaluations, baseline surveys and other studies to our clients across the region. Following our first three years, we feel that it’s time to share our expertise and approach with development and humanitarian professionals.
A central BIEN goal is to bring together data on plant distribution, abundance and traits, with the goal of predicting and mitigating the effects of climate change on plant species and communities.
We ensure that experimentation is at the heart of biology.
The Asia Institute is the first truly pan-Asian think tank. A research institution that addresses global issues with a focus on Asia, the Asia Institute is committed to presenting a balanced perspective that takes into account the concerns of the entire region. The Asia Institute provides an objective space wherein a significant discussion on current trends in technology, international relations, the economy and the environment can be carried out.
Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources.
The Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. HRAF's mission is to encourage and facilitate the cross-cultural study of human culture, society, and behavior in the past and present. Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a financially autonomous research agency of Yale.
HFP IS AN INDEPENDENT POLICY RESEARCH PROGRAMME BASED AT KING’S COLLEGE LONDON. Its aim is to develop strategies, approaches and tools to ensure that humanitarian organisations are prepared to meet the uncertainties and complexities of the future.
The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 as an informal association of independent leading personalities from politics, business and science, men and women who are long-term thinkers interested in contributing in a systemic interdisciplinary and holistic manner to a better world. The Club of Rome members share a common concern for the future of humanity and the planet.
At MIT’s Joint Program on Global Change, we know that meeting our 21st century climate challenges requires cutting-edge scientific research. It also requires unprecedented policy action. We bring the two together to advance both frontiers by creating an environment where scientists and economists can work side-by-side. Our researchers explore the interplay between our global environment, economy, and human activities, and the potential impact of policies intended to stabilize these relationships.
The Centre for Risk Studies provides frameworks for recognising, assessing and managing the impacts of systemic threats. The research programme is concerned with catastrophes and how their impacts ripple across an increasingly connected world with consequent effects on the international economy, financial markets, firms in the financial sectors and global corporations.
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network is a leading provider of early warning and analysis on food insecurity. Created by USAID in 1985 to help decision-makers plan for humanitarian crises, FEWS NET provides evidence-based analysis on some 34 countries. Implementing team members include NASA, NOAA, USDA, and USGS, along with Chemonics International Inc. and Kimetrica.
IBHA seeks to understand the integrated history of the Cosmos, Earth, Life, and Humanity, using the best available empirical evidence and scholarly methods.
Globaïa is an organization specializing in the creation and dissemination of tools for global education, made from the achievements of scientific disciplines. Its mission is to help citizens understand the socio-environmental challenges of our time.
The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide a counterpoint to today's accelerating culture and help make long-term thinking more common. We hope to creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years.
World Science U believes that digital education should be more than a new delivery vehicle for traditional instruction. Our initial offerings, taught by Brian Greene, Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University, are a step in that direction. In the coming months, we will announce additional instructors and courses.
The ultimate goal of the FuturICT project is to understand and manage complex, global, socially interactive systems, with a focus on sustainability and resilience.
Understanding complex systems
The Bretton Woods Project envisions a global economic system that operates on the primary principles of justice, equity, human rights and environmental sustainability, with international institutions that are democratic, transparent, accountable, and responsive to the poorest and most vulnerable citizens.
The Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership is an organisation of the world’s leading electricity companies that proudly promotes sustainable energy development through electricity sector projects and human capacity building activities in developing and emerging nations worldwide.
The international network of researchers and industry experts for the development and marketing of concentrating solar thermal power systems and solar chemistry technology
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
The purpose of the WMA is to serve humanity by endeavoring to achieve the highest international standards in Medical Education, Medical Science, Medical Art and Medical Ethics, and Health Care for all people in the world.
"The Climate and Health Council is an international organisation consisting of doctors, nurses and other health professionals who recognise the urgent need to address climate change to protect health. It works towards a world where the impacts of climate change on health are understood and tackled in a way that improves the public's well-being."
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is a leading European not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects health in the European Union (EU). We demonstrate how policy changes can help protect health and enhance people’s quality of life.
The Global Climate and Health Alliance was formed in Durban in 2011 to tackle climate change and to protect and promote public health. The Alliance consists of health organizations from around the world united by a shared vision for a sustainable future. Specifically the Alliance members work together to: Ensure health impacts are integrated into global, national and local responses to climate change Encourage the health sector to mitigate and adapt for climate change
Norfolk is home to a cluster of internationally-renowned research organisations. They are working together to tackle the major challenges facing all of us in the 21st Century – the sustainability of our environment; our food supplies and healthy ageing. There are over 2500 scientists working to find realistic and practical solutions; who then have the infrastructure and support to translate these discoveries into commercially successful business.
URBANFLUXES is a Horizon 2020 funded space research project, coordinated by the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece).
CDP’s mission is to transform disaster giving by providing timely and thoughtful strategies to increase donors’ impact during domestic and international disasters
The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is a world-class centre for multidisciplinary disaster prevention research and communication. ICLR is an independent, not-for-profit research institute founded by the insurance industry and affiliated with Western University, London, Ontario. The Institute’s mission is to reduce the loss of life and property caused by severe weather and earthquakes through the identification and support of sustained actions that improve society’s capacity to adapt to, anticipate, mitigate, withstand and recover from natural disasters.
to help guide anticipatory action in different emerging contexts, settings and hazards, such as in situations of conflict.
Global History Databank brings together the most current and comprehensive body of knowledge about human history in one place. Our unique Databank systematically collects what is currently known about the social and political organization of human societies and how civilizations have evolved over time.
Researches, identifies and spreads policy solutions that contribute to sustainable development
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre serving the eight regional member countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayas – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan – and based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Produces new global spatial information, evidence-based analytics and knowledge describing the human presence on the planet
Sustainability has come to the forefront in the wake of increased global understanding that economics, environmental health and human well-being are interconnected and interdependent. Our institute has taken a leadership role in understanding and promoting sustainability.