Fresh Water

Green water


Water is destiny

No water, no life 

All the water on Earth

Water, a global priority

Water and disaster risk

Water innovation summit

Water as a global system

The coming blue revolution

The renaissance of hydrology

Water and the green economy

The water footprint of humanity

Water & food in the 21st century

The precious commodity of water

The Blue Planet's new water budget

Water for sustainabale development

Water was plentiful in the early universe

Where does water go when it doesn't flow? 

Water security and the global water agenda

The cosmic chemistry that gave rise to water

Global water partnership - how can we adapt?

A new global warming culprit: dam drawdowns

The Impact of global change on water resources 

Groundwater and SDGs - analysis of interlinkages

Water for development: charting a water wise path

How much water is there on, in, and above the Earth

Earth's freshwater future: extremes of flood and drought 

Ebb and Flow: water, migration and development, Volume 1

Human water consumption intensifies hydrological drought worldwide

Hit-and-run heist of water by terrestrial planets in the early Solar System

Changing the history of the Earth: the role of water in The Anthropocene

New solar technology could produce clean drinking water for millions in need

The potential for snow to supply human water demand in the present and future

Argonne's powerful X-rays key to confirming water source deep below Earth's surface

Shifts in global water systems - markers of a new geological epoch: The Anthropocene

Successful rainwater harvesting systems combine new technology with old social habits              

Impending water crisis:

Water: prepare to face shocks

World confronts serious water crisis

World has not woken up to water crisis

Growing calls for water to be prioritised

Four billion people facing severe water scarcity

World's water resources face mounting pressure

Water maps spark concern about 'liquid gold rush'

Declining snowpacks may cut many nations' water  

The global water crisis: addressing an urgent security issue

The new system that uses sound to alleviate water shortage

Population growth could outpace water supply by mid-century

Global freshwater consumption crossing its planetary boundary

More tha 500 million people might face increasing water scarcity

Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventions in the 20-21st centuries

Is physical water scarcity a new phenomenon? Global assessment of water shortage over last two millenia

Water reports and assessments:

CDP global water report 2018

World water development report 2018

UN world water development report WWDR4

WMO Bulletin Vo 67 (1) - special Issue on water

Freshwater resources and terrestrial ecosystems

Water and jobs: UN world water development report 2016

Water footprint assessment: evolvement of a new research field

Assessment of the state of hydrological services in developing countries

UN 2018 World water development report  - nature based solutions for water

Water Science Software Institute: agile and open source software development

Wastewater, the untapped resource: UN World Water  Development Report 2017

Progress report on GEO inland and near-coastal water quality remote sensing working group 

Water monitoring & management programs:

UN: analysis

UN water policy brief 

Water for a sustainabale world

Monitoring framework for water

State of watershed payments - 2012

Nature-based solutions and water security

Interview with Ben Braga - UN  water activities        

New insights into managing our water resources

Earth observation for water resource managemen

Experts mull global system to monitor water resources

Improving water resouces management from the ground

Improving water resource management with satellite data

The role of engineering in sustainable water management

A global water supply reservoir yield model with uncertainty analysis

Virtual water transfers unlikely to redress inequality in global water use 

WHO/UNICEF joint monitoring programme for water supply and sanitation

Global analysis and assessment of sanitation and drinking water GLAAS 2012

Integrated water resources management: balancing views and improving practice

Discrepancies between satellite and global model estimates of land water storage

Scientists can predict water storage beyond 2-5 years over global semiarid regions     

Deep words, shallow words - an initial analysis of water discourse in 4 decades of UN declarations

Optimization framework for operation and design of systems with different alternative water sources

Short-term water management decisions: user needs for climate, weather and hydrologic information 

Transboundary water management:

Ending conflicts over water

Blue Gold: the coming water wars

Risk of water wars rises with scarcity

Water and peace: made in Switzerland

Measuring transboundary water cooperation

Ground water depletion driving global conflicts

Science-based transboundary water management

Transboundary waters: sharing benefits, sharing responsibilities

Checklist for contingency planning for accidents affecting transboundary waters

UN: a global synopsis of groundwater science and transboundary management 

Water & climate change:

Water: climate risk knowledge

Impact of fires on water quality

Climate change is wild card in water security

Adapting urban water systems to climate change

Dialogs for water and climate change: call to action 

Climate change, water and adaptation - some fundamental reflections

Web technologies help to tackle climate change effects on water resources

Human impacts on terrestrial hydrology: climate change versus pumping and irrigation

Handbook on climate change and disaster resilient water, sanitation and hygiene factors

Protecting people, infrastructures, economies, and ecosystems: water management in climate change

Water in the city:

Water in the city

Water and urbanization

Sustainable cities water index

One in four of world's big cities water-stressed

Simple soil mixture reverses toxic stormwater effects

It takes a village - and much more - to quench megacity water demands

Water treatment methods may unintentionally generate harmful chemicals

World's largest cities depend on evaporated water from surrounding lands

Megacity precipitation sheds reveal teleconnected water security challenges 

Cities face dramatic increase in water treatment spending when watersheds are developed    

Cleaner & safer water: 

Water is more polluted than tests say 

Fruit peel may help millions get safer water  

Bacteria in drinking water are key to keeping it clean

Leaf-mimicking device harnesses light to purify water 

New way for removing phosphorous from wastewater

Septic tanks aren't keeping poo out of rivers and lakes

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)  

Space radar helps track underground water pollution risk  

Leveraging bacteria in drinking water to benefit consumers

Human activities trigger hypoxia in freshwaters around the world

Safe water and healthy water services in a changing environment 

Contamination source determination in water distribution networks 

The potential for atmospheric water harvesting to accelerate household access to safe water  


Artificial groundwater recharge

Groundwater fate and climate change 

Groundwater for emergency situations

Laser reveals water's secret  life in soil

Vital groundwater depleted faster than ever

Satellites reveal major shifts in global freshwater

Calculating recharge of groundwater more precisely

Breakthrough provides picture of underground water

Reactive barriers could keep nitrate out of the Atlantic

Scientists discover vast undersea freshwater reserves

New technology will provide super-precise groundwater models

What are the prospects for sustaining high-quality groundwater?

Origins and bioavailability of dissolved oorganic matter in groundwater 

Groundwater governance: key challenges in applying the global framework for action

An integrated management approach to groundwater, aquifers, surface water and river flows  

Assessment of transboundary aquifers of the world - vulnerability arising from human water use

Electricity for groundwater use: constraints and opportunities for adaptive response to climate change

Reusable water:

Is effluent the water of the future?    

Reduce, reuse, recycle: safe for water?

Scientists reveal key insights into emerging water purification technology


Freshwater from saltwater using only solar energy

Graphene sieve turns seawater into drinking water

Radical desalination approach may disrupt the water industry

Anti-fouling graphene-based membranes for effective water desilination

Chemists work to desalt the ocean for drinking water, one nanoliter at a time

3D electron microscopy uncovers the complex guts of desalination membranes

A carbon neutral solution for desalination? Maybe so by tapping into geothermal

UN warns of rising levels of toxic brine as desalination plants meet growing water needs


South & Central America:

Mexico City, parched and sinking, faces a water crisis

The ancient Peruvian water mystery solved from space

The demise of the Mayan civilization: water shortage can destroy cultures

Satellite remote sensing for water resources management: sustainable development in data-poor regions

Advanced technology leads to discovery of how an ancient Central American civilization conserved water

North America:


Canada's Water InfoStream 


Thirsty for answers

USGS: water budgets

US Water Utility Climate Alliance

Managing freshwater across the US

Groundwater depletion in the US 1900-2008

The importance of water to the US economy

America's water risk: water stress and climate variability

Time is now for a new revolution in urban water systems

Two major US aquifers have high levels of natural uranium

A new map of the US created from where we get our water

Informing water policy with large-scale, high fidelity simulation

Recent events hilghight the the need to get the US dams in line

US commitments to action on building a sustainable water future

Sectoral contributions to surface water stress in the coterminus US 

Scientists map huge undersea fresh-water aquifer off US Northeast

A  comprehensive analysis and approach to US watershed management

EPA Adaptive response framework for drinking water and wastewater utilities

USGS details effects of climate change on water availablility in 14 US river basins

Trends in stream nitrogen concentrations for forested reference catchments across the USA

Influence of basin characteristics of US interbasin transfer water problems: displacing a problem

The US water data gap - a survey of state-level water data platforms to inform a national water portal 

Water use for electricity in the US: an analysis of reported and calculated water use information for 2008

US West:

California water dynamics

Say goodbye to Phoenix and the American West

Where the water goes - story of the Colorado River

Clearing up confusion on future of Colorado River flows

How climate change will affect Western US ground water

NASA opens new era in measuring western US snowpack

Amid California drought, Cadiz plans to pump desert water

The unprecedented water crisis of the American Southwest

Water, climate change, and sustainability in the Southwest US

Why 96, million black balls are inside this Los Angeles reservoir

Satellites show 'total' California water storage at a near-decade low

Mapping water availability, projected use and cost in the western US

Benefits and economic costs of managed aquifer recharge in California

Warmer spring causing loss of snow cover throughout Rocky Mountains

The California drought is just the beginning of a national water emergency

Groundwater depletion in semiarid regions of Texas and California threatens US food security

Groundwater loss and aquifer system compaction in San Jaoquin Valley during 2012-2015 drought    


Water problems in Asia's future

Asian water development outlook 2013 

Asia, US plains facing water extraction crisis

The impact of water on business in Singapore

Massive groundwater pumping in Asia may poison millions

Metaguidelines for water and climate change - for practioners in Asia and the Pacific

Climate change adaptation and vulnerability assessment of water resources systems in Bangaladesh


Sun-powered desalination for villages in India


China's hidden water footprint

Modeling Beijing's water crisis

Towards a water and energy secure China

Chinese government sees its own refelection in water criisis

China's South-to-North water diversion project delivers first water    

New risk model sheds light on arsenic risk in China's groundwater 

China plans 1000-km tunnel to take Brahmaputra water to Xinjiang 

Eco-Compensation for watershed services in the Peoples Republic of China

Small dams on Chinese river harm environment more than expected, study finds


Water's role in the rise and fall of the Roman Empire

Swiss water supply assured despite shrinking glaciers 

Water resources in Europe in the context of vulnerability  

Chemical pollution of European waters is stronger than anticipated

More than half of EU surface waters below 'good' ecological status

Assessing climate Impacts on the quality and quantity of water (ACQWA)

Water in Europe: nutrient and heavy metal pollution 'decoupling' from growth

Water management in Europe faces rising challenges as ecosystems weaken

Whaley Bridge dam collapse is a wake-up call: concrete infrastructure will not last forever without care

Middle East:

Ancient water underlies ancient Egypt

Middle East has lost a Dead Sea's worth of water

Aquifer discovery in Iraq - a water wizard for the planet

Maplecroft identifies Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as world’s most water stressed countries


Wars of water (South Africa)

Rural Kenya harvests water from fog

Kenya aquifers discovered in dry Turkana region 

Water development in the drylands of the Horn of Africa

'Sand dams' bank water for dry season in semi-arid Kenya

How satellite images could improve water management in Africa

Implementing zonal management approach to urban water supplies

The urban-rural water interface: a preliminary study in Burkina Faso 

CDP Water disclosure South Africa Report 2011 - assessing the value of water

Effect of climate change on investments in the water resources sector: in developing countries


Ensuring Australia's water supplies under climate change

Climate change adaptation and the Australian urban water industry

Indigenous Australians are excluded from managing water on their own land 

Drought and climate change are driving high water prices in the Murray-Darling Basin