With the worldwide spread of home computers and smart phones connected to the Internet, Citizen Science is blossoming today and making an important contribution to a diverse array of sciences. We can expect the contribution of Citizen Science will become even greater in future, given the quality of video capture available from the standard smart phone. And with the possible future advent of a 'weather-station-on-a-chip', we may even see a public assist to the daily weather services.
Citizen science
World Science U
Wikipedia Definition
Citizen Science Alliance
Crowdsourcing a better world
Citizen data scientists take on bigger roles
Shirky and Sanger, or the costs of crowdsourcing
CERN launches citizen cyber-infrastructure project
Do-it-yourself science: because we are all explorers
Five ways to turn your students into citizen scientists
Users and peers. From citizen science to P2P science
Embedding science in society: a European perspective
Enhancing the quality and trust of Citizen Science data
Technoscience, technological cultures and socialisation
The socialisation of scientific and technological research
The epistemic culture in an online citizen science project
How to reach exascale today with 50 million or a few more laptops
Crowdsourcing the universe: how citizen scientists are driving discovery
Public scientific communication: reflections on the public and its participation forms
Comparing the quality of crowdsourced data contributed by experts and non-experts
Science blogs and public engagement with science: practices, challenges, and opportunities
Citizen Science 2015 - a presentation by Dr. Tony Murphy, Director, GLOBE implementation office
Scientific mediation: on social processes, contexts and networks in which scientists are embedded
Disaster response and resilienc projects:
Citizen Seismology
Citizen scientists help monitor radiation in Japan
Crowdsourcing data to support disaster response
Raspberry Shake: building a personal seismograph
Volunteers help California build quake sensor network
Missing Maps for unknown areas with vulnerable peeople
Earthquake sensors to be distributed across Southern California
Citizen science saving lives around deadly 'Throat of Fire' volcano
Citizen science for hydrological risk reduction and resilience building
Pollution monitoring:
iSPEX-EU 2015 air pollution
Ventus: locating & monitoring power plant sites
Weather/climate projects:
Old Weather
Cyclone center
HMS New Zealand
Weather Detective
PressureNet weather system
Climate Central Announcement
Call for sailors to become citizen scientists
Calling citizen scientists for hailstorm research
Crowdsourcing snow depth data with citizen data
UK submarine data de-classified to aid climate science
IBM contributes $200M in community science resources for climate research
Ocean projects:
Marine litter watch
Weather rescue at sea
Rescuing tide gauge data from around the UK to study climate change aand sea level rise
Aurora projects:
Citizen scientists train a thousand eyes on the North Pole
Aurora photographers find the night sky lights and call them 'Steve'
Astronomy projects:
Mars trek
My Galaxy
Galaxy Zoo
Asteroid day
Disk detective
Planet hunters
Project stardust
Asteroid mappers
Astronomy rewind
Citizen sky project
Fireballs in the sky
The Milky Way project
Mars webcam goes pro
TheSkyNet - T2 is born
The Andromeda project
Great world wide star count
Citizen scientist named planet
NASA's open acces software library
NASA asteroid initiative grand challenge
How to participate in astronomy research
Amateur skywatchers help space hazards team
Amateur astronomers boost ESA's asteroid hunt
Volunteer black hole hunters as good as the experts
The OSRIS-Rex Mission: an asteroid sample return mission
Astronaut photographs inspire next generation of scientists
Volunteer 'disk detectivess' classify possible planetary habitats
Citizen scientists discover potential new exoplanet hunting ground
Home computers discover a record-breaking pulsar-neutron star system
The largest telescope ever built will rely on citizens to analyze Its reams of data
Galaxy Zoo 1: data release of morphological classifications of nearly 900,000 galaxies
The first two planet candidates identified by the public using the kepler public archive data
Ecology projects:
Dead tree detective
Gang-gang cockatoo survey
Project Noah identifying wildlife
Openforis environmental monitoring
It creaks and hums, slurps and scratches
Mobile apps for crowdsourcing streamflow data
Citizen science helps predict spread of sudden oak death
Earth Challenge 2020 overview of environmental questions
Tapping social media’s potential to muster a vast green army
NASA calls on gamers, citizen scientists ti help map world's corals
App tracks harmful mosqitos with help from crowd sourced science
Guide to choosing and using citizen science for environmental monitoring
Citizen scientists needed to help record impact of widfires on Australian biodiversity
Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism
Online citizen scientists: assist University of Miami marine biologists to classify plankton images
Completeness of citizen science biodiversity data from a volunteered geographic information perspective
Medical projects:
Compute against Alzheimer's disease
BBC4 to investigate how flu pandemic spreads by launching BBC pandemic app
Physics projects:
Bring a 50,000 degree plasma into your living room
Play with antimatter tracks from the comfort of your home
General projects:
Help NASA build smartphone apps
Help make a better world land map with NASA app
World Community Grid of IBM suggests you to donate your machines spare capacity to science