Evolution of plants & vegetation:
Listen to slime mold sing a song
The origin of photosynthesis revealed
This little amoeba committed grand theft
Green algae and the origin of land plants
Greening of the Earth pushed way back in time
Evolutionary stepping stone to land plants, animals
Atmospheric nitrogen leads to loss of plant diversity
Fundamental plant chemicals trace back to bacteria
Early Archean origin of heterodimeric Photosystem I
Plant roots began following gravity 350 million years ago
How bacteria build hyper-efficient photosynthesis machines
Ancestors of land plants were wired to make the leap to shore
Ancient plant-fungal partnerships reveal how the world became green
Study provides framework for one billion years of green plant evolution
Photosynthesis more ancient than thought, and most things could do it
Unusual structures in bacteria suggest photosynthesis older than thought
A new picture emerges on the origins of photosynthesis in a sun-loving bacteria
Plants crawled onto land earlier than we give them credit, genetic evidence suggests
Flowering plants:
Deceptive flowers
Oldest evidence of sex in flowering plants
How flowering plants conquered the world
What flowers looked like 100 million years ago
Study finds how flowering plants cope with cold
An ecological rule for animals applies to flowers
Paleobotanist identifies what could be the mythical 'first flower'
Molecular feedback loop gives clue to how flowers drop their petals
Scientists identify how they believe flowering plants evolved to weather the cold
Genome downsizing, physiological novelty, and the global dominance of the flowering plants
Global mapping of plants & vegetation:
Seeing photosynthesis from space
Mapping vegetation health around the world
Earth's northern biomass mapped and measured
A look at the world explains 90% of changes in vegetation
Map shows how Earth's vegetation has changed since 1980s
Land cover mapping applications with MODIS: a literature review
Very-high-resolution time-lapse photography for plant and ecosystems research
Under the summer Sun, the Corn Belt is the biologically productive place on Earth
Vegetation & plant dynamics:
The minds of plants
Plants, stress and proteins
Plants also suffer from stress
Botany and a changing world
A wax shield to conquer Earth
Land cover dynamics revealed
Glowing plants a sign of health
How plants learned to save water
Tracking sugar movement in plants
Checking the planet's respiration rate
Scientists learn how to predict plant size
The Earth has lungs. Watch them breathe
Outwitting climate change with a plant 'dimmer'
Scientists probe water inside leaves via satellite
How plants cope with stress at a molecular level
Scientists identify how plants sense temperature
Better plant data at the root of ecosystem models
Can plants teach us something about longetivity?
Scientists crack the code to regenerate plant tissues
Breakthrough study shows how plants sense the world
In vegetation growth studies, what you measure matters
Plant diversity is key to maintaining productive vegetation
New research on why plant tissues have a sense of direction
Plant seeds protect their genetic material against dehydration
Researchers develop equation that helps to explain plant growth
Gene identified that will help develop plants to fight climate change
Continued destruction of Earth's plant life places humankind in jeopardy
Plants drought alert system has unlikely evolutionary origin: underwater algae
New understanding of plant growth brings promise of tailored products for industry
Scientists unveil a molecular mechanism that controls plant growth and development
Fast-slow continuum and reproductive strategies structure plant-life history variation worldwide
Plant geometry:
Secret of plant geometry revealed
Leaf mysteries revealed through the computer's eye
The secret math of plants: biologists uncover rules that govern leaf design
Plant intelligence:
The search for intelligent plant life
Are plants more intelligent than we assumed?
Theory of 'smart' plants may explain the evolution of global ecosystems
Plants actively direct their seeds via wind or water towards suitable sites
Plant consciousness: the fascinating evidence showing plants have human level intelligence, felings, pain+
Threat detection in plants:
Plant immunity against viruses
Plant defense as a biotech tool
Biosecurity seen from the inside
Why plants are so sensitive to gravity
Atomic-level defense secrets revealed
Why we need insects - even 'pesky' ones
Plant stress paints early picture of drought
Plants can smell, now researchers know how
How plants protect photosynthesis from oxygen
How plants evolved to make ants their servants
Plants respond to leaf vibrations caused by insect chew
Plants adapt their defenses to the local pest community
Plants recognize pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms
Predicting invasions of nonindigenous plants and plant pests
Plant's defensive response against herbivores have downstream effects on nearby ecosystems
EMF detection & protection in plants:
How plants sense electric fields
Plants use hydrogen peroxide as sunscreen
How do plants protect themselves against sunburn
Ultraviolet Protection Molecule in Plants Yields Its Secrets
Scientiists discover key factors in how some algae harness solar energy
UV-B receptor recycling is needed for balanced plants' sunscreen synthesis
Time detection in plants:
Sunflowers move by the clock
Researchers show how plants tell the time
Plants 'do maths' to control overnight food supplies
Plants use a molecular clock to predict when they'll be infected
Genetic switch regulates a plant's internal clock based on temperature
Plant's morning calls to prepare for the night - discovery of clock genes in plants regulate circadian rythm
Plant roots, impact of soils:
How roots grow
How salt stops plant growth
Pinpointing the effect of fertilizer
How plants can grow on salt-affected soils
How plants harness microbes to get nutrients
The scramble for nutirents intensifies as the soil ages
A community of soil bacteria saves plants from root rot
Revealed in accurate detail, the underground world of plants
Fungus enhances crop roots and could be a future 'bio-fertilizer'
Eating air, making fuel
The last link in the chain
Understanding photosynthesis
New insights into photosynthesis
Cellular sensor helps plants find light
How plants function in shade and light
New insight into global photosynthesis
The dual role of CO2 in photosynthesis
X-ray laser sees photosynthesis in action
New study shines light on photosynthesis
Photosynthesis has a unique isotopic signature
Scientists stitch up photosynthetic megacomplex
Reserch shows global photosynthesis on the rise
Urban warming slows tree growth, photosynthesis
A little coherence in photosynthetic light harvesting
How do plants rest photosynthesis activity at night?
Scientists unlock some key secrets of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis hack needed to feed the world by 2050
Shedding light on the energy-efficiency of photosynthesis
Ideal temperatures for carbon uptake by subtropical plants
New light shone on photosynthetic supercomplex structure
Molecular snapshots of oxygen formation in photosynthesis
Scientists use X-ray laser to probe engines of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis discovery could help next-gen biotechnologies
Tiny algae shed light on photosynthesis as a dynamic property
X-rays capture unprecedented images of photosynthesis in action
Deep within spinach leaves, vibrations enhance efficiency of photosynthesis
Tricking plants to see the light may control the most important twitch on Earth
New analysis of plant proteins advances our understanding of photosynthesis
Experts unlock key to photosynthesis, a find that could help us meet food security demands
Synchronized leaf aging in the Amazon responsible for seasonal increases in photosynthesis
Photosynthesis as a quantum physics phenomenon:
Plants 'seen doing quantum physics'
Uncovering nature's quantum secrets
Blowin' in the wind - a source of energy
Organisms might be quantum machines
Plants convert energy at lightning speed
Energy hijacking pathway found within photosynthesis
Quantum mechanics explains efficiency of photosynthesis
First movie of energy transfer in photosynthesis solves decades-old debate
Artificial photosynthesis:
Mimicking the ingenuity of nature
The path to artificial photosynthesis
On the road to artificial photosynthesis
Postcards from the photosynthetic edge
Going green with artificial photosynthesis
A new leaf: scientists turn CO2 back into fuel
Amoeba may offer key clue to photosynthetic evolution
Seeing the big picture in photosynthetic light harvesting
Controlling light: new protection for photosynthetic organisms
New clues could help scientists harness the power of photosynthesis
Artificial photosynthesis: new, stable photocathode with great potential
How could artificial photosynthesis constitute to limiting global warming
New discoveries about photosynthesis may lead to solar cells of the future
Major advance in artificial photosynthesis poses win/win for the environment
Vibronic origin of long-lived coherence in an artificial molecular light harvester
Study IDs link between sugar signaling and regulation of oil production in plants
Advance in re-engineering photosynthesis to make drugs, compunds or ingredients
Special plants:
The sneaky life of the world's most mysterious plant
Plant discovered that neither photosynthsizes nor blooms
Special plant environments:
Carnivora gardinum
Demographic miracle in the deserts
Cacti among world's most threatened species
Explaining the history of Australia's vegetation
How ferns adapted to one of Earth's most extreme environments
Competition in a rough neighborhood: plant success in a desert environment
Plant reproduction and genetics:
Splash down
Sex at zero gravity
The gene of autumn colours
Tracking pollen with quantum dots
Revolutionary new view on heritability in plants
New light shed on Darwin's 'abominable mystery'
Scientists reprogram plants for drought tolerance
What is the function of non-coding RNA in plants?
Dandelion seeds are optimized for wind-based travel
Plants prepackage beneficial microbes in their seeds
Vast library of master genetic switches in plants created
Patterns of RNA regulation in the nuclei of plants identified
Revealing the workings of a master switch for plant growth
Crop wild relatives and their potential for crop improvement
New discovery about how plants make sex cells fo reproduction
Smoke signals: how burning plants tell seeds to rise from the ashes
One thousand plant transcriptomes and phylogenomics of green plants
The production of plant pollen is regulated by several signalling pathways
Biology, not just physics, controls release of scent compounds from plants
Hidden layer of genome unveils how plants may adapt to environments throughout the world
New online learning tool - International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Genome-wide network model for seed germination coordinated regulation of plant cellular phase transitions
Plants and Climate Change:
Plants moderate climate warming
Hybrid grass 'could reduce flooding impact'
Plants do not respond to warming as thought
Ice age extinction shaped Australian plant diversity
Which plants will survive droughts, climate change?
Extensive leaf growth worldwide due to global warming
Plants absorb CO2 more slowly than previously thought
Rising sea levels threaten Everglades freshwater plants
Adaptability in local climate helps invasive species thrive
Genetic diversity a hidden tool in coping with climate change
Climate change is altering mountain vegetation at large scale
Too little nitogen may restrain plant's carbon storage capability
Experiments underestimate plant responses to climate change
Plant growth responses to high CO2 depend on symbiotic fungi
How tropical cyclones influence photosynthesis in the US Southeast
Increased CO2 has altered photosynthesis of plants over the 20th Century
Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon
Including plant acclimation to temperature change improves climate models
Satellite observations show global plant growth is not keeping up with CO2 emissions
New approach can predict impact of climate change on species that can't get out of the way
Elevation gradient of successful plant traits for colonizing alpine summits under climate change
New plant research:
Plant organ development breakthrough
A new tool to study plant cell biomechanics
Scientists join forces to bring plant movement to light
The future of plant science - a technological perspective
'Time is ripe' to use big data for planet-sized' plant questions
New insights could indicate how to break apart cellulose for biofuels
Discovery opens up new areas of microbiology, evolutionary biology
MRI imaging shows how plants can inspire new engineering materials
New framework unlocks secret life of plants, with land management to benefit