What's the difference between an asteroid, comet and meteorite?
Asteroids vs comets: how do they differ, and do they pose a threat to Earth?
In the glare of the Sun
Definition by Wikipedia
The anatomy of an asteroid
First ring system around asteroid
Rogue asteroids may be the norm
Asteroids in the inner Solar System
Asteroid Day Asteroid Day videos
Asteroid orbit evolution due to thermal drag
New theory to explain seeds of life in asteroids
Thermal cycling breaks down asteroid boulders
NASA scientist figures way to weigh space rock
Villain in disguise: Jupiter's role in impacts on Earth
Unusual asteroid suspected of spinning to explosion
Iron volcanoes may have erupted on metal asteroids
Glassy surface of iron-rich asteroids tricks telescopes
Asteroids are not destroyed in an impact with the Sun
Scientists reconstruct the history of asteroid collisions
Millimetre-sized stones (chondrules) formed our planet
Asteroid served up "custom orders" of life's ingredients
First interstellar immigrant discovered in the Solar System
NASA's NEOWISE completes scan for asteroids and comets
An interstallar origin for Jupiter's retrograde co-orbital asteroid
Astronomers establish the strength of high-inclination asteroids
Asteroid nudged by sunlight: most precise measurement of Yarkovsky Effect
Trojan asteroids:
Trojan asteroid shares orbit with Earth
Searching for Trojan asteroids, Earth's unseen companions
'Trojan' asteroids in far reaches of the Solar System more common than previously thought
Asteroid observation activities:
B612 Foundation
Explained: near-miss asteroids
New light on Near-Earth asteroid
NASA Near Earth Object program
About SSA-NEO coordination centre
NASA/JPL's near Earth object program
B612 Foundation - the Sentinel Mission
NASA asteroid and comet watch website'
What is Asteroid Day's 100x declaration?
NASA pushes for asteroid detection satellite
Speeding up science on Near-Earth asteroids
NASA telescope finds fewer asteroids near Earth
ESA's bug-eyed telescopes to spot risky asteroids
NASA survey counts potentially hazardous asteroids
Tucson astronomer spots asteroid before it hits Earth
UN aims to fight asteroids, creates a global warning network
Stanford professor wants to find asteroids that threaten Earth
About ESA's Near Earth Object Coordination Centre (NEOCC)
NASA office to coordinate asteroid detection, hazard mitigation
Identifying Earth- impacting asteroids using an artifical neural network
UCLA space scientists find ways to monitor elusive collisions in space
Forces that hold gravity-defying Near-Earth asteroids together uncovered
New study ranks hazardous asteroid effects from least to most destructive
New NASA model gives glimpse into the invisible world of electric asteroids
Planetary Resources partners with NASA to crowdsource asteroid detection
Physicist's journey reveals how smaller asteroids could cause bigger problems
Update to determine te feasibility of enhancing the search an characterization of NEOs
Historical Earth impacts:
Impact cratering on Hadean Earth
Asteroid strike made 'instant Himalayas'
'Largest ever asteroid impact' found in Australia
Tiny 'spherules' reveal details about Earth's asteroid impacts
Asteroid impacts on earth make structurally bizarre diamonds
New NASA research shows giant asteroids battered early Earth
Scientists reconstruct ancient impact that dwarfs dinosaur-extinction blast
Large meteoritic event over Antarctica ca. 430ka ago inferred from chindritic spherules: Sor Rondane Mtns
Earth's planetary defense:
Busting armageddon
Great impact debates
Nukes to save the Earth
Twenty years of planetary defense
New approaches to asteroid danger
HERA - our planetary defence mission
Project NEOShield: asteroid defence systems
Are asteroids humanity's 'greatest challenge'?
List of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs)
Risk of massive asteroid strike underestimated
Accidents and asteroids: addressing the threat
Russia, US to join forces against space threats
US national Near-Earth Object preparedness strategy
Could a laser weapon save Earth from killer asteroids?
A new use for nuclear weapons: hunting rogue asteroids
US National NEO preparedness strategy and action plan
Asteroid Apophis won't impact Earth for at least a century
Are we prepared for an asteroid headed straight to Earth?
The first discovered asteroid of 2014 collides with the Earth
Near Earth Object media/risk communications working group report
Large asteroid to hurtle past Earth & comet PanSTARRS flyby on 19 april 2017
Defending planet Earth: near-Earth object surveys and hazard mitigation strategies
A newly discovered branch of the Taurid meteoroid stream contains hazardous asteroids
Asteroid diversion & deflection:
Understanding what it takes to divert asteroids
Engineers set their sights on asteroid deflection
DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission
AIDA: asteroid impact and deflection assessment study
AIDA collaboration highlights case for planetary defence
Responding to potential asteroid redirect mission targets
The FastKD Project: how to deflect an asteroid - and do it fast
Required deflection impulses as a function of time before impact for Earth-impacting asteroids
Known asteroids & asteroid catalogs:
Near Earth asteroids
Mappig the inner Solar System
15,000 space rocks and counting
Asteroid 2011 AGS: a reality check
Small asteroid to whiz past Earth safely
Tiny asteroid whizzes by Earth (2017 EA)
!0,000th near-Earth object unearthed in space
WISE finds mysterious Centaurs may be comets
WISE mission finds lost asteroid family members
NASA's Swift Observatory catches asteroid flyby
Earth flyby of 'space peanut' captured in new video
New map shows frequency of small asteroid impacts
Surprsing recent discoveries of three Near-Earth Objects
The flyby clock: visualizing a century of asteroid encounters
Astronomers characterize one of the smallest known asteroids
Number of known accessible Near-Earth asteroids doubles since 2010
Acoustic gravity waves help scientists pinpoint spot, time objects hit the ocean
An asteroid that split in two and whose fragments, year later, developed tails: P/2016J1
Asteroid space missions:
Asteroids close encounters with Mars
Asteroid impact mission targets Didymos
Bringing home NASA's first asteroid samples
PANIC lander to revolutionize asteroid research
Asteroids: The New 'It Mission' for Space Exploration
Rosetta flyby uncovers the complex history of asteroid Lutetia
Can Congress grant private companies the right to mine asteroids?
The JAXA Ryugu asteroid landing program:
Australia set to welcome JAXA's Hayabusa2
A stereoscopic image of Ryugu at high resolution
Sunburned surface reveals Ryugu formation and orbital secrets
MINERVA-II1: successful image capture, landing on Ryugu and hop!
New clues to ancient water on Itokawa
Separating pebbles from boulders on asteroid Itokawa
Identification of origin of particles brought back by Hayabusa
Vesta 360
Vesta's rocky history
Soar over asteroid Vesta in 3-D
Vesta in Dawn's rear view mirror
Vesta: giant impacts delivered carbon
Is Vesta the "Smallest Terrestrial Planet?"
High resolution tour of giant asteroid Vesta
Dawn sees new surface features on giant asteroid
DAWN reality-checks telescope studies of asteroids
New NASA Dawn visuals show Vesta's 'color palette'
Asteroid Vesta to reshape theories of planet formation
Geologic maps of Vesta from NASA's Dawn mission published
OSIRIS-Rex zooms in on Bennu
The long strange trip of asteroid Bennu
Ancient asteroid Bennu contains ingredients for life
Embedding with a the scientist behind a NASA spacecraft flyby
The Age of Comets
How comets are born
Definition by Wikipedia
Comets as solar probes
NASA near Earth object table
The colors of comet Neowise
When is a comet not a comet?
ALMA discovers comet factory
NEOWISE spies its first comet
Giant comets may threaten Earth
Science on the surface of a comet
First ever evidence of comet striking Earth
One of the largest comets is headed our way
Solar Observatory discovers its 3,000th comet
3D study of comets reveals chemical factory at work
Evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth
Philae probe results shed light on the nature of comets
New in sights on comet tails are blowing in the solar wind
Some comets are like couples: they break up then make up
Thermal history of comets during residence in the Oort cloud
Avalanches, not internal pressure, cause comet nuclei outbursts
While shooting stars get noticed, cosmic dust hitting us all the time
New study reveals relationships between chemicals found on comets
A second interstellar object has almost certainly been found in our Solar System
Studies of proton irradiated H2O+CO2 and H2O+CO ices and analysis of synthesized molecules
Comet gateway discovered at inner Solar System, may alter fundamental understanding of comet evolution
Specific comet events:
Tail of comet Lovejoy
Comet C/2016 R2 GIF Jan 10
Catching a comet death on camera
Armageddon at 10,000 BCE in Syria
Comet death observed for first time (July, 2011)
'Lazarus comets' explain Solar System mystery
Comet Lovejoy plunges into the Sun and survives
The great daylight fireball of 1972 1972 Photo
The Hopewell airburst event, 1699-1567 years ago (252-383 CE)
March 22, 2016 comet flying by Earth observed with radar and infrared
Evidence of cosmic impact at Abu Hureyra, Syria at the Younger-Dryas Onset (~12.8ka): Melting > 2200C
Comet ISON:
Countdown to perihelion
Comet ISON's dramatic final hour
Comet ISON observing campaign
Fire vs Ice: the science of ISON at perihelion
Comets ISON and ENKE approaching the sun
What might happen to Comet ISON from here on out?
The ESA Rosetta/Philae comet landing program:
How to land on a comet
A map of Rosetta's comet
Rosetta: what happens next?
Rosetta image archive complete
A comet turns into Rosetta stone
Kepler gets the 'big picture' of 67P
Organic molecules detected by Philae
Rosetta: catching up with the comet's coma
Rosetta continues into its full science phase
Rosetta timeline: countdown to comet arrival
Rosetta fuels debate on origin of Earth's ocean
Pioneering Philae completes main mission before hibernation
Rosetta measures production of water at comet over two years
Before and after: the unique changes spotted on Rosetta's comet
Mission complete: Rosetta's journey ends in daring descent to comet
Definition by Wikipedia
Tales from a Martian meteorite
Stardust found in Antarctic snow
Fireballs that produce meteorites
Russian meteor million of years old
Study supports extraterrestrial impact
Meteorite diamonds tell of a lost planet
What gives meteorites their cone shape?
Measuring massive magnetic meteorites
Meteorites key to the story of Earth's layers
Meteorites: toolkits for creating life on Earth
Scientists strike scientific gold with meteorite
Meteorites: magnetic messengers from space
Meteorite from Mars fell in Morocco: scientists
Warped meteor showers hit Earth at all angles
Novarto: California's rough and tumble journey
Impact glass stores biodata for millions of years
CSI-style investigation of meteorite hits on Earth
A remarkably constant history of meteorite strikes
Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician period
Rare meteorites created in violent celestial collision
Researchers uncover remnants of early solar system
New found UK meteorite could provide many answers
Meteorite's magnetic fields reveal how planets were formed
New study sheds iight on origin of most common meteorites
Meteor Crater zircon crystal sheds ight on Earth, Moon, Mars
Machine Learning pinpoints meteorite-rich areas in Antarctica
Researchers reproduce processes behind astrophysical shocks
Firsr detection of sugars in meteorites gives clues to origin of life
Egyptian desert expedition confirms spectacular meteorite impact
NASA Ames helps search for and study of Sutter's Mill meteorites
Research shows why meteorites explode before they reach Earth
Every recorded meteorite impact on Earth from 2500 BCE to 2012
Magnets wipe memories from meteorites, erasing billion-year-old data
Earth bears evidence of cosmic impacts, both ancient and more recent
Organic makeup of ancient mateorites sheds light on early Solar System
A 15-metric ton meteorite crashed in Africa. Now 2 new minerals have been found in it
Shock compression research shows hexagonal diamond could serve as meteor impact marker
Crystalline silica in primitive meteorite brings scientists a step closer to understanding solar evolution
Tunguska 1908:
In Siberia in 1908, a huge explosion came out of nowhere
Discovery of probable Tunguska meteorites at the bottom of Khushmo river's shoal
Chelyabinsk 2013:
First study of Russian meteorite
Crucial data regarding Chelyabinks meteorite
Russian meteor shockwave circled globe twice
Russian meteor created new 'dust layer' instratosphere
Researchers aim to measure risk of exploding asteroids
After Chelyabinsk: European experts assess asteroid options
Around the world in four days: NASA tracks Chelyabinsk meteor plume
Seismic detection of the Chelyabinsk meteor from the dense ChinArray
The mystery about the Chelyabinsk superbolide continues three years kater
Link between potentially hazardous asteroid (86039) 1999 NC43 and the Chelyabinsk meteoroid tenuous