Science as Art

The Diatomist

Finding art in science    

Science is the poetry of reality

Poetry is like music to the mind     

Abstract beauty meets scientific truth

The intersection of art and technology

Mingling art and science opens minds

XSEAD: a community platform for art-science integration

When science meets art: Fabian Oefner at TEDx Warwick 2013    

Putting science first - distinguishing visualizations from pretty pictures

Art & Space:

Spitzer 16

Mars as art

Martian scars

Van Gogh Sun

The Sun as art

Other galaxies

Milky Way Photos

The Pillars of Creation

Spaceweather image gallery

Nebulae: a cosmic meditation

Lunar love: when science meets artistry

Cosmic photo album earns astronomer AAS prize

The Poseidon Ensemble - 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake    

See the bright lights and spectacular colours of our shining universe

Art & Earth's atmosphere, weather:

The sky

Deep sky colors

Spectacular weather

Realtme aurora gallery

Snow flakes falling on cameras

NASA 'Let it snow' photo winners

Heading camera first into the storm

Nathalie Miebach: Art made of storms

The sky captured from multiple locations on the planet

Art & Earth:   

Earth as art 

Earth from above

The Field Museum

IEDA image gallery     

Seeing Earth as Modern Art         

Iceland - land of fire and ice

NHKWorld great nature series   

Ten mesmerizing geophysical maps that double as works of art

Cave & Rock Art:

Rock music in Utah

3D scans reveal largest cave art in North America

Art & Oceans:

Frozen ocean

Terry Kirby undersea illustrations

Giving voice to coral reefs in crisis

They capture the world's underwater wonders

Slow-moving sea creatures come alive in time-lapse

Transparent octupus caught by blackwater photographer

Art & Biology:

Sunflower Seeds

Spineless beauty

Hybrid forms: cell differentiation

The hidden beauty of pollination

Flower patterns and Fibonacci numbers

These X-rays of seeds turn biology into art

The hidden beauty of plants that feed the world

Color (and 3d) for scanning electron microscopy 

A photographic exploration of the microbial world

DNA animations by for science-art exhibition

These stunning insect close-ups reveal dazzling bug complexity 

Using art to visualize cellular environments: an interview with David Goodsell 

Art & the human body:  

The amazing body

The human brain as art

Art & Nature:

Ancient trees

Trees that refuse to die

How to photograph an orchid 

Hidden miracles of the natural world

National Geographic art & Nature photos

National Geographic 2024 pictures of the year

The dreamlike fungi that thrive in Nature's damp corners

These beautiful maps capture the rivers that pulse through our world

Art & Physics:

Twisted Sifter

Art, sound and science

Google eclair orage images

You have to see these soundwaves

The beauty and anatomy of what constitutes AI 

Training the untrained eye with AI to classify fine art

Karman Vortex Street: a collaboration between fluid mechanics and chorography    

Mathematics & Art:

The age of stupid

Powers of Ten (1977) 

Hyperbolic aesthetic patterns based on conformal mappings   

Beautiful Math - aesthetic patterns based on logarihtmic spirals

Art through the microscope:

Best microscope photos of the year bring tiny, amazing worlds to light    

Science from the Individual Artist: 

Aaron Koblin

Bernardo Cesare

Borrego stardance

Eric J. Heller gallery

Ryoji Tanaka's elements

The work of Edward Tufte

Emanuela Lucaci - Science

Emanuela Lucaci - Universe

Genesis: a call to arms with Sebastiao Salgado  

Art & disaster events:

Tohoku earthquake seismograph art

Public art and preparedness: lessons from Katrina

Art & Science as Performance:

Teatro alla Scala

CO2 - at La Scala

New POV video of Baumgartner's epic skydive    

El Nino, John Adams - live from the Theatre Musical de Paris - Chatelet, 2000

Art on Location:  

Art at CMS   

UCL science as art