Acid Rain
Gauging in the rain
Short rains and long rains
Does rain follow the plow?
Plastic rain is the new acid rain
A new proxy for past precipitation
A light rain can spread soil bacteria far and wide
Global rainfall satellites require massive overhaul
NASA's global precipitation measurement website
What is 'precipitable water', and why does it matter?
Human-induced changes in the distribution of rainfall
Rain spawns more rain when it falls on ploughed land
Precipitation data key to food security and public health
Large variations in precipitation over the past millenium
GPM mission's how-to guide for making global rain maps
Measuring raindrop sizes from space to understand storms
Researchers unravel process for the formation of rainstorms
Changes in concurrent monthly precipitation and temperature extremes
NASA's remotely-sensed precipitation - a reservoir for application users
Cold war nuclear bomb tests impacted rainfall patterns across the world
The global precipitation response to volcanic eruptions in the CMIP5 models
Rainfall estimation using moving cars as rain gauges - laboratory experiments
El Nino induced by volcanic eruptions plays a key role in the decrease of global precipitation
Rainfall and climate change:
Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study
Climate models overestimate rainfall increases
Scientists find precipitation, global warming link
Limits to to the quantification of local climate change
Global warming increases rain in world's driest areas
Varied increases in extreme rainfall with global warming
Only wet regions may become wetter as climate changes
Droughts and flooding rains: what is due to climate change?
What climate models get wrong about future water availability
Improving convective precipitation modeling for climate prediction
Are climate model simulations useful for forecasting precipitation trends?
How is global warming affecting precipitation? New satellite to help explain
The physical drivers of historical and 21st century global precipitation changes
Observed and simulated precipitation responses in wet and dry regions 1850-2100
Extreme precipitation response to climate perturbations in an atmospheric mesoscale model
Significant increases in extreme precipitation - associations to global warming over land monsoon regions
Precipitation datasets:
Real-time precipitable water
Painting the world with water
How to access TRMM and GPM precipitation data
Rain bombs & microbursts:
Rare wet microburst caught on camera
Hail loading on roofs - Australia
Hail can't hide from deep learning, researcher finds
Fine-tuning severe hail forecasting with machine learning
Hail causes the most storm damage costs across North America
Improving satellite estimates of global snowfall
Global warming brings more snow to Antarctica
How can we find out how much snow is in the world?
The amount of snow in the Northern Hemisphere can now be reliably estimated
WMO statement on weather modification
Bacteria floating 30,000 feet overhead could be influencing the weather
Weather modification, control, deflection, cloud seeding, rain making, governance:
The weather changers
WMO statement on weather modification
Global precipitation enhanement activities
WWRP expert team on weather modification
Review of enhancement in precipitation enhancement research
Volcanism disrupts northern precipitation
Increased rainfall in tropics caused by more frequent big storms
Effects of declining aerosols on projections of zonally averaged tropical precipitation
Rising mountains dried up Central Asia
Recent decades likely wettest in four millenia in Tibet
Reduced rainfall in the northern tropics linked to industrial emissions
Changes in snow cover over China in the 21st century as simulated by a high-res RCC
The seawater temperature distribution in tropics causes the low amount of rainfall in East Asia
Learning from the 2018 western Japan heavy rains to detect floods during the 2019 Hagibis Typhoon
An abrupt rainfall decrease over Asian inland plateau region around 1999 and possible underlying cause
Contribution of pollution to the decadal change of rainfall over eastern China in summer monsoon season
Interdecadal changes to interannual variability of precipitation & atmospheric circulation in northern Eurasia
Weather station's return provides archival database for Adelaide observations
Using GNSS for real-time moisture analysis and forcasting over the Australian region
Closing the Pacific rainfall data void
Rainfall in South Pacific was more variable before 20th Century
Past and future rainfall in the Horn of Africa
Greenhouse gases linked to past African rainfall
Identification of deficiencies in seasonal rainfall simulated by CMIP5 cliamte models
The DACCIWA Project (Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa)
Temperature changes and precipitation extremes over the Greater Horn of Africa region from 1961-2010
We desperately need to predict what climate change is doing to UK rainfall
Future changs in atmospheric rivers and their implications for winter flooding in Britain
Evaluation of modeled changes in extreme precipitation in Europe and the Rhine basin
Scientists unpack the history of Western France, written in 300 million year old rainwater
Changes in the annual cycle of heavy precipitation across the British Isles in the 21st Century
The Americas:
Scanning a snow storm
Boston's record snow year 2015
UCI introduces iRain smartphone app
Scanning the first 2014 Atlantic hurricane
Projected US precipitation changes by 2100
America could soon face more days of 'extreme rainfall'
Rainfall accumulation across the US (1/1/2015-7/16/2015)
Snowfall rates from satellite data help weather forecasters
NASA opens new era in measuring Western US snowpack
Soil moisture, snowpack data could help predict 'flash droughts'
Heavy rainfall events becoming more frequent on Hawai'i Island
Extreme downpours could increase fivefold across parts of the US
Warming seas double snowfall around North America's tallest peaks
Global warming to cut snow water storage 56% in Oregon watershed
California's snowpack is at near record levels, and here's how NASA knows
Causes oof large projected increases in hurricane precipitation rates with global warming
Continental-scale convection-permitting modeling of the current and future climate of North America
High-resolution dynamically downscaled projections of precipitation in the mid-late 21C over North America