Lightning research
Lightning capital of thne world
Lightning still largely a mystery
New evidence on lightning strikes
We don't actually know what triggers lightning strikes
Lightning does actually strike in the same place twice
Lightning expected to increase by 50% with global warming
Laser lightning rod: guiding bursts of electricity with a flash of light
Study provides a new method to measure the energy of a lightning strike
Links between lightning and gamma rays, cosmic rays & magnetic fields:
Firestation travels to the ISS
Do cosmic rays grease lightning?
Study confirms link between gamma rays, lightning strikes
Sun's rotating magnetic field pulls more lightning toward Earth
Lightning signature could help reveal the Solar System's origin
Lightning-made waves in Earth's atmosphere leak into space
Observations from space and ground reveal clues about lightning
Simultaneous observations of EIP, TGF, Elve, and optical lightning
Lightning sprites:
What's up there?
Gallery of sprite photographs
Understanding sprite formation
Heliophysics nugget: seeing sprites
Lightning sprites are out-of-this-world
Sprites, elves and glow discharge tubes
Extreme lightning:
Large-scale spider lightning
Salty seas make lightning brighter
WMO certifies megaflash lightning extremes
200 mile lightning bolt sets record as world's longest
Lightning 'superbolts' form over oceans from November to February
Solar rotational cycle in lightning activity in Japan in the 18-19th centuries
Mapping lightning strikes:
How to map a lightning strike
Geostationary lightning mapper
Mapping lightning strikes from space
Identifying lightning strokes with continuing current
Meteorological imagery for the geostationary lightning mapper
Thunder and lightning - what determines where and when thunderstorms occur?
Predicting lightning strikes:
New study hints at bespoke future of lightning forecasting
New model predicts lightning strikes, alert system to follow
Nowcasting lightning occurrence with commonly available meteorological parameters and machine learning
Ocean-based lightning:
Coarse sea spray inhibits lightning
How shipping might be making more lightning
Ship exhaust makes oceanic thunderstorms more intense
Volcanic lightning:
Lightning network helps get a handle on volcanoes
'Whistling' volcanic lightning heard halfway around the world
Ball lightning:
Collecting anecdotes
The mystery of ball lightning
Dark lightning:
The dark side of dark lightning
Scientists detect dark lightning linked to visible lightning
Meteorological & geographical factors associated with dry lightning in Central & Northern California
Lightning patterns change with global warming
Contrasting future lightning stories across Europe
Modulation of UK lightning by heliospheric magnetic field polarity
Lightning in the Mediterranean and its relation with sea-surface temperature
Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning activity over Hubei Province, China
Locating parent lightning strokes of sprites observed over a mesoscale convective system in China