Origins of the Oceans:
Origin of Earth's oceans
Our oceans' cosmic origins
Oceans arrived early to Earth
Earth Oceans Were Homegrown
Planet Earth makes its own water
What's up at the bottom of the ocean?
Did Earth's oceans come from comets?
New light shed on the origin of Earth's water
Reconstructing the richness of pristine oceans
Astronomers looking for clues to water's origins
Scientists solve a 14,000-year-old ocean mystery
Scientists theorize new origin story for Earth's water
Astronomers finally find the answer to Earth's water mystery
Earth's water came from space dust during planetary formation
Could asteroids have supplied enough water to fill Earth's oceans?
New questions on how the Earth's atmosphere and oceans formed
Projectile cannon experiments show how asteroids can deliver water
Fresh evidence for how water reached Earth found in asteroid debris
The devolution of the seas - the consequences of oceanic destruction
How did Earth get water? Scientists think they've solved longstanding mystery
ALMA traces history of water in planet formation back to the interstellar medium
Ocean Dynamics:
Sea change
Virtual Ocean
Ocean color web
The ocean below
If the Earth stood still
Perpetual Ocean video
Teaching Oceanography
New spin on ocean's role
Forecast ocean variability
The ocean's sensitive skin
The biological carbon pum
Why trace metals cling to the ocean's skin
Oceans Currents Gyres Upwelling
Toxic oceans may have delayed spread of complex life
How well-connected is the surface of the global ocean?
Machine learning identifies links between world's oceans
Unsupervised learning reveals geography of global ocean dynamical regions
New research shows how melting ice is affecting supplies of nutients to the sea
The modulation of oceanic moisture transport by the hemispheric annular modes
Study proposes link between formation of supercontinents, strength of ocean tides
Ocean connections: an introduction to rising risks from a warming, changing ocean
Scripps Oceanography unveils research simulator to study ocean/atmoshere exchanges
Ocean Mixing from Waves, Tides & Biology:
Creating waves that are frozen in time
Star-shaped waves spotted in shaken fluid
The ocean's hidden waves show their power
Scientists track speed of powerful internal waves
Breaking internal tides keep the ocean in balance
Analyzing ocean mixing reveals insight on climate
Modeling tides and vertical tidal mixing: A reality check
When winds and curents align, ocean mixing goes deep
Clues from the sea paint a picture of Earth's water cycle
Tiny creatures may play a difficult-to-detect role in ocean mixing
The ocean is still sucking up carbon - maybe more than we think
Breaking deep-sea waves reveal mechanism for global ocean mixing
Mathematics and the ocean: movement, mixing and climate modelling
Analysis and interpretation of frequency-wave number spectra of young wind waves
Dissecting the ocean's unseen waves to learn where the heat, energy and nutrients go
Ocean tides and Earth's rotation - a high-resolving ocean model forced by the lunisolar tidal potential
Ocean eddy currents:
Chasing the black holes of the ocean
Mesoscale ocean eddies impact weather
Coherent Lagrangian vortices: the black holes of turbulence
Ocean eddy currents funnel extreme heat and cold to the life-filled depths
Ocean Biodiversity & Health:
Ocean Health Index
The future of the sea
UNESCO's ocean project
Video interview part 1 part 2
The UN World Ocean Assessment
Oceans suffering from sea sickness
IPCC report - what's in it for Africa?
IPCC report - what's in it for South Asia?
IPCC report - what's in it for Latin America?
See human impact in an X-ray of the ocean
Ocean Obseriving System report card 2020
Nature study highlights many paths to ocean health
The science & technology that can help save the ocean
The state of the ocean 2013: perils, prognoses and perils
Scientists discover nearly 200,000 types of ocean viruses
Oxygen-starved oceans can take a million years to recover
Satellite ocean colour: current status and future perspective
How much hydrogen is consumed by ocean-floor microbes?
Threat from oxygen loss in oceans left off table in Paris talks
Scientists to measure impact of volcanic ash on ocean biology
An introduction to rising risks from a warming, changing ocean
Scripps researcher helps raise deep concerns about deep sea
From decline to recovery: a rescue package for the global ocean
Decline in global oceanic oxygen content during the past five decades
Earth's oceans could look completely different by the end of the century
Global change and the future of ocean: a grand challenge for marine sciences
The ocean is in trouble and current global commitments aren't enough to save it
Functions of global ocean microbiome key to understanding environmental changes
Ocean currents push phytoplankton and pollution around the globe faster than thought
Ocean Monitoring, Measuring and Mapping:
Argos floats
Mapping salty waters
Filling the gaps in ocean maps
GOOS: Global Ocean Observing System
Ocean observing system report card 2023
A bright, LED-lit future for ocean sciences
Sea Ice Historical Forecast Project (Ice-HFP)
Decoding material fluxes in the tropical ocean
The Digital Ocean: our next information frontier
Assessing ocean changes without data centers
Deep floats reveal complex ocean circulation patterns
Engineers hand 'cognitive' control to underwater robots
Clues from the sea paint a picture of the Earth's water cycle
Need for monitoring and maintaining sustainable marine ecosystem services
Computational acoustics in oceanography: the research role of sound field simulations
Global in situ observations of essential climate and ocean variables at the air-sea interface
Warming of the oceans:
How variable are ocean temperatures?
Deep oceans warming at alarming rate
Extreme heat in the oceans is out of control
Observational needs of sea surface temperature
Ocean temperatures faithfully recorded in mother-of-pearl
Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate change
New study identifies thermometer for the past global ocean
The recent normalization of historical marine heat extremes
Ancient pool of warm water questions current climate models
How to monitor global ocean warming - without harming whales
'Ice Age blob' of warm ocean water discovered south of Greenland
Tracking 'marine heatwaves' since 1950 and how 'the blob' stacks up
Lab experiments question popular measurements of ancient ocean temperatures
Scientists have just detected a major change to the Earth's oceans linked to a warming climate
Sailing through changing oceans: ocean and polar life and environmental sciences on a warming planet
Quantifying acceleration of multidecadel global sea surface warming driven by Earth's energy imbalance
The Oceans and Climate Change:
Oceans and climate
The carbon dioxide loop
The deep blue sea is getting bluer
Can we predict the future of ocean CO2 uptake?
Ocean circulation rethink solves climate conundrum
Surface of the ocean affects climate more than thought
Ocean spray: an outsized influence on weather & climate
Northern seas once pumped CO2 into Earth's atmosphere
Invisible barrier on ocean surface can reduce carbon uptake
The ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate - IPCC report
How oceans could change if we reverse anthropogenic warming
National security implications of climate change for U.S. naval forces
Ocean's most oxygen-deprived zones to shrink under climate change
Ocean acidification: present conditions and future changes in a high CO2 world
Massive study is first to explore historical ocean response to abrupt climate change
Smothered oceans: extreme oxygen loss in oceans accompanied past global climate change
Scientists discover link between climate change and ocean currents during last 6 million years
Ocean chemistry:
Salinity matters
How ocean chemistry affects climate change
Climate change will upset vital ocean chemical cycles
'Chemical atlas' provides unique understanding of ocean geochemistry
Using atmospheric potential oxygen to gain insight into climate drivers of ocean biogeochemistry
The chemical memory of seawater: biomolecules dissolved in the ocean like a history book of the sea
Surface ocean distribution of bromoform & methyl iodide: boundary layer physics, chemistry and climate
Vertical distribution of coccolithophores PIC, POC, biogenic silica, chlorophyll throughout the global ocean
Ocean Methane:
Methane Escape Research
Ocean Oxygen:
Respiratory disorder in the ocean
Ocean oxygen levels drop 2% in 50 years
Geologists confirm oxygen levels of ancient oceans
Jurassic drop in ocean oxygen lasted a million years
Ancient ocean deoxygenation provides an urgent warning
A Looming Oxygen Crisis and Its Impact on World Oceans
Ocean Acidification:
Ocean acidification
Ocean Acidification in deep time
Ocean acidification: hard to digest
Watch ocean acidification in real time
Earliest life emerged in mildly acidic oceans
Smithsonian description of ocean acidification
Ocean acidification rate may be unprecedented
New challenges for ocean acidification research
Scientists analyse the extent of ocean acidification
Comprehensive study makes key findings of ocean pH variations
Oceans aciidifying faster than thay have in the past 300 mllion years
Ocean acidification research should increase focus on species' ability to adapt
First evidence of ocean acidification affecting live marine creatures in the Southern Ocean
The Sea Floor:
Seabed 2030
Seabed lithology
GPlates webportal
Mapping the ocean floor
Touring the ocean bottom
A name directory for the ocean floor
NOAA Marine Geology & Geophysics
Mapping the deep: a new age of exploration
New information about sub-seafloor structure
Mapping marine landscapes in the deep ocean
Large submarine landslides on continental slopes
One-fifth of Earth's ocean floor is now mapped out
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)
Census of seafloor sediments in the world's oceans
The sea floor is dissolving, thanks to human activity
The unseen man-made 'tracks' on the deep ocean floor
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean v4.0
Scientific mission will explore one of the deepest ocean trenches
Mariana Trench, seven miles deep, the ocean is still a noisy place
New global analysis reveals amount of sediment on the ocean floor
A deep mantle origin for the primitive signature of ocean island basalt
ASccidental implosion yields new measurement for oicean's deepest point
Why the first complete map of the ocean floor is stirring controversial waters
Seamounts as conduits for massive fluid, heat and solute fluxes on ridge flanks
New digital seafloor geology map uses artificial intelligence and big data to boost understanding of seafloor
MH370 search reveals hidden undersea world The data behind the search for MH370
The Ocean Economy:
Sea Around Us
EEZ (Wikipedia)
Valuing the ocean
Catlin seaview survey
UN World Ocean Assessment
UN Exclusive Economic Zones
The deepest dig - ocean mining
US IOOS ocean enterprise industry study
Seabed mining could destroy ecosystems
A clearer future for underwater exploration
Global merchant fleet - number of ships by type
Building a blue economy - part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Scientists caution against exploitation of deep ocean
Achieving a safe and just future for he ocean economy
Satellite oceanography data producers and users connect
Oceans may be large, overlooked source of hydrogen gas
Scientists' perspectives on global ocean research priorities
A new threat to oceans: deep-sea mining for precious metals
WWF: Reviving the ocean economy: the case for action - 2015
Deep-sea mining may have deep economic, environmental impacts
Warming of the oceans and implications for the (re)insurance industry
US business activity in ocean measurement, observation and forecasting
Protecting the deep sea: a call for balancing mining and ecosystem protection
Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems
Where iron and water mix: hydrothermal vents a significant source of iron in the oceans
Study of the potential ompact of polymetallic nodules production on the economies of land-based producers
Marine reserves, hydrographic organizations and UN Conventions:
Woods Hole Research Center
International Hydrographic Organization
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Evolving science of marine reserves: new developments
Scripps scientists explore the mysteries and challenges of the deep sea
New UK national centre covers marine science from the coast to the deep ocean
Pacific Ocean:
The long memory of the Pacific Ocean
A journey down the East Australian Current
Microfossils illuminate ancient ocean currents
Tropical Pacific Observing System project 2020
Study explains Pacific equatorial cold water region
East of Japan, upper ocean waves follow a seasonal cycle
Physical drivers of the summer 2019 North Pacific marine heatwave
Deep-sea streaming: 500-mile NEPTUNE cabling brings Internet to the ocean floor
Ocean Observatories Initiatives: cable array brings the ocean to your living room 24/7
Underwater lab: UW researchers install 14 miles of cable, acmeras, sensors on ocean floor
SPCZ zonal events and downstream infkluence on surface ocean cconditions in the Indonesian Throughflow region
North America:
Gulf of Alaska:
Massive amounts of fresh water, glacial melt pouring into Gulf of Alaska
Salish Sea:
The state of the Salish Sea
Perceptions of change in Puget Sound
Atlantic Ocean:
Multiple drivers of the North Atlantic warming hole
Northwest Atlantic Ocean may get warmer, sooner
Aluminium in an ocean GCM compared with West Atlantic geotraces cruises
Sea surface temperature reaches record highs on US northeast continental shelf
Atlantic overturning inferred from air-sea heat fluxes indicates no decline since the 1960s
Caribbean Sea:
Caribbean Sea acts like a whistle which can be 'heard' from space
Sargasso Sea:
Big changes in the Sargasso Sea
Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)
Adaptive carbon export response to warming in the Sargossa Sea
Euopean public perception of marine climate change
Baltic Sea:
Nordic seas cooled 500,000 years before global oceans
Research programme to achieve an improved understanding of the Earth System for the Baltic Sea region
Mediterranean Sea:
Italy's 'smart bay' seeks to tackle Mediterranean climate change
Growing Antarctic ice sheet caused ancient Mediterranean to dry up
Early Holocene Eastern Mediterranean ocean climate and the stability of its overturning circulation
Central Asia:
Aral Sea:
The future of the Aral Sea lies in transboundary cooperation
Indian Ocean:
Geopolitics and the Indian Ocean
Future Indian Ocean warming patterns
The data behind the search for MH370
Marine forecasting on the horizon for Indian Ocean Rim
There is a 'gravity hole' in the Indian Ocean, and scientists now think they know why
Origin of Indian Ocean Seamount Province by shallow recycling of continental lithosphere
Southern Circumpolar Ocean:
What kind of iron is in the Southern Ocean?
Massive Southern Ocean current discovered
In the Southern Ocean, a CO2 mystery comes clear
Antarctic bottom waters freshening at unexpected rate
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean
New discovery of how carbon is stored in the Southern Ocean
The global influence of localized dynamics in the Southern Ocean
Notorious Southern Ocean current far stronger than previously thought
Latest Southern Ocean research shows continuing deep ocean change
Miixing it up: study provides new insight into Southern Ocean behaviour
Southern Ocean anthropenic carbon sink constrained by sea surface salinity
Arctic Ocean:
A 'regime shift' is happening in the Arctic Ocean