

Global transcontinental power tools for low-carbon electricity

The case of the renewable energy ecosystem: weaving an innovation network from the middle out


Hydropower in 2013

Big hydro uncertainties 

Better dam planning strategies

Sustainable hydropower website

When hydropower plants emit CO2

Hydropwer continues steady growth

Hydropower sector climate resilience guide  

A global boom in hydropower dam construction

Poison in Arctic and human cost of 'clean' energy

Is hydropower aging out of the clean energy race?

Hydro storage can secure 100% renewable electricity

Policy issues plague hydropower as wind power backup

ANU finds 530,000 potential pumped-hydro sites worldwide

Large-scale initiative for ecologically compatible hydropower

Untapped potential exists for blending hydropower, flloating PV

Social and environmental costs of hydrpower ar underestimated

Quantifying the hidden environmental cost of hydroelectric dams

GIS algorithms to locate prospective pumped-hydro sites worldwide

Powerpaste packs clean hydrogen energy in a safe, convenieny gray goop 

Unaccounted CO2 leaks downstream of a large tropical hydrelectrical reservoir 

Climate impact of hydropower: enormous differences among facilities over time

'Green hydrogen' from renewables could become cheapest ' transformative fuel' within a decade 

Framework for assessing trends in river fragmentation & flow regulation by global dams at multiple scales 


Three Gorges Dam video  

Hydropower poses a threat to Shanghai water 

Ten years of the Three Gorges Dam: a call for policy overhaul

The Americas:

2014 US Hydropower Market Report

2017 US Hydropower Market Report

2021 US Hydropower Market Report

Oroville Dam: what made the spillway collapse?

Columbia's disaster-ridden hydropower project runs second largest river dry

Peru: the unintended consequences of the juxtaposition of hydroeletricity and mining

Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from future Amazonian hydroelectric reservoirs

New stream-reach development resource: assessment of hydrpower energy potential in the US

Proliferation of hydroelectric dams in the Andean Amazon and implications for Andes-Amazon connectivity


West Africa hopes new hydropower dams will cut poverty, climate risk 


Geothermal water

Geothermal energy

Geothermal power in 2013

Why support geothermal energy?

GEA releases 2012 Policy Priorities

Geothermal industry ends 2012 on a high note

Making a difference through geothermal energy

The most extreme geothermal plant in the world

GOCE halps tap into sustainable energy resouces

Converting geothermal knowledge into megawatts

Geothermal power generation market:  2021-2026

Worldwide Geothermal Power Market Report  2021

Taking the temperature of deep geothermal reservoirs

New fluid makes untapped geothermal energy cleaner

Everything you need to know about geothermal energy

Geothermal International Market Overview Report 2012

Geothermal International Market Overview Report 2013

Geothermal energy: more exciting than the media thinks

36 countries launch world alliance for geothermal energy

Geothermal power facility induces earthquakes, study finds

Environmeental issues related to deep geothermal systems

Geothermal industry leads the way towards a more sustainable 2012

Geothermal technology packs one-two punch against climate change

Could the heat of the Earth's crust become the ultimate energy source?

Life cycle analysis of geothermal power generation with supercritical CO2

Realizing the geothermal electricity potential - water use and consequences

Energy potential of a single-fracture, robust, engineered geothermal system  

Engineered geothermal systems have wide potential as a renewable energy source

Geothermal sweetspots identified in a volcanic lake integrating bathymetry and fluid chemistry

Modeling, simulation, and optmization of geothermal energy production from hot sedimentary acquifers

Induced earthquake hazard by geothermal power plants: sttatistical evaluation & probalbalistic modeling 


Mexico's geothermal market assessment report 2017

When will the US tap its massive geothermal energy potential?

Pinpointing Americas geothermal resources with open source data

GEA international showcase 2012 highlights US leadership in geothermal global market

First geothermal mapping report confirms vast coast-to-coast clean energy source


Geothermal exploration causes quake in Switzerland

Strategic roadmap released for deep geothermal energy in Germany


Indonesia to tap its geothermal supply

Indonesia passes law to tap volcano power

Geothermal energy and its potential in India

Fukushima disaster paves the way for new geothermal plants

Lessons from Pohang: solving geothermal energy's earthquake problem 


Bio-based solar cell

Solar water heaters

Optimizing solar cells

Peel-and-stick solar panels

Funneling the Sun's energy

Solar energy's land-use impact

Organic solar cell breakthrough

A new dimension for solar energy

Solar cells as light as soap bubbles

China's solar power boom, visualized

Physics, photosynthesis and solar cells

Solar energy services for professionals

Solar energy that doesn't block the view

Printable solar cells just got a little closer

Lunar-based self-replicating solar factory

Morocco seeks to be green energy leader

Major leap toward graphene for solar cells 

A good first step toward nontoxic solar cells

Electron 'spin' key to solar cell breakthrough

Butterflies heat up the field of solar research

Basic principles of modern organic solar cells

Research gives new ray of hope for solar fuel

More efficient solar cells imitate photosythesis

Sponge creates steam using ambient sunlight 

Organic solar cells set remarkable energy record

Researchers create worldwide solar energy model 

Inspired by art, lightweight solar cells track the sun

Solar PV power potential is greatest over croplands

Scientists help make deserts into solar-energy hubs

NREL detaills great potential for floating PV systems

NREL report firms up land-use requirements of solar

Reshaping the solar spectrum to turn light to electricity

Collaboration aims to harness the energy of 2000 suns

Now you can determine the solar efficiency of your roof

Using rust and water to store solar energy as hydrogen

An effective and low-cost solution for storing solar energy

Performance estmation of photovoltaic energy production

Maximizing solar power: not only a matter of cell efficiency

How graphene and friends could harness the Sun's energy

New hybrid device can both capture and store solar energy 

Solar cell defect mystery solved after decades of global effort 

Beyond sprawl: a new vision of the solar suburbs of the future

How does smoke, dust & hail affect solar panel performance?

Review and comparison of different solar energy technologies

Energy breakthrough uses sun to create solar energy materials

Dual-layer solar cell sets record for efficiently generating power

Study could lead to paradigm shift in organic solar cell research

Revealing the microscopic mechanisms in perovskite solar cells

Scientists move closer to 'two for one deal' on solar cell efficiency

Scientists develop 'liquid fuel' to store solar energy up to 18 years

Storing solar power increases energy consumption and emissions

Energy from sunlight: further steps towards artificial photosynthesis

Window film could even out the indoor temperature using solar energy

Major advance in using sunlight to produce steam without boiling water

Scientists learn how to capture unseen light for solar energy conversion

Study tallies the environmental and public health benefits of solar power 

Breakthrough solar cell captures CO2 and sunlight, produces burnable fuel

Recent progress in perovskite solar cell: fabricatiuon, efficiency, and stability

Multimodal imaging shows strain can drive chemistry in a photovoltaic material

Concentrating solar power: its potential contribution to a sustainable energy future

Solar energy storage by by molecular norbornadiene-quadricyclane photoswitches

New fabrication technique leads to broader sunlight absorption in plastic solar cells

Harnessing solar and wind energy in one device could power the 'Internet of Things'

The potential land requirements and related land use change emisions of solar energy

Japan set to become world's solar revenue market in 2013 as installations boom in Q1

Chemists create molecular 'leaf' that collects and stores solar power without solar panels

Supersizing Perovskite solar cells: researchers show that technology works at larger scale

Global prediction of photovoltaic field performance differences using open-source satellite data

Bringing the social costs and benefits of electric energy from photovoltaics vs fossil fuels to light

To encourage solar power, researchers developmethod to automatically estimate rooftop potential

Parametric analysis of coupled PV and thermal concentrating Solar Collector for electricity generation

Very large solar desert systems with the benefits to those nations having high solar irradiation potential


Coud floating solar panels help mitigate climate change


Warm countries launch sun-energy alliance    


Australia's rising solar power 'revolution'

How Australian engineer transformed the world's renewable power

In world first, ultra-cheap printable solar panels are launched in Australia


California on course for renewable energy

CCNY’s solar roof pod showcases innovative technology

Unlocking solar for US low-and-moderate income residents

Why rising US electricity costs highlight need for solar energy

Caiifornia becomes the first US state to order solar on new homes


India's solar revolution

Air pollution throws shade on India's solar success


Solar nano grids light up the homes and businesses in Kenya


Why go offshore?

Taming hurricanes

When the wind blows

Airborne wind energy

Energy high in the sky

Rethinking wind power

The other side of wind power

Wind turbine without the blades

New wind generation technology

Various wind turbine technologies

What is the future of wind energy?

Gales send turbines into overdrive

The evolution of windpower in 2017

Wind power - even without the wind

Siting wind farms more quickly. cheaply

Variability of interconnected wind plants

Blowing down the barriers to wind energy

Fires are major cause of wind farm failure

High-altitude offshore wind energy system

Super-large-scale flow visualization with snow

Wind energy: on the grid, off the checkerboard

Are local wind power resources well estimated? 

New technology could reduce wind energy costs

Huge offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes

Cold climate wind energy showing huge potential

Impacts of wind farms on land surface temperature

Here's why wind turbines usually just have 3 blades

Long term wind speed changes due to climate change

Night vision for bird & bat-friendly offshore wind power

Quantifying the hurricane risk to offshore wind turbines

Active power controls from wind power: bridging the gaps 

Superconducting wind turbine chalks up first test success

Ways to minimize power grid disruptions from wind power

Atmospheric stability affects wind turbine power collection

Wind turbines a risk to birds living as far as 100 miles away

Upwind wind plants can reduce flow to downwind neighbors

Offshore use of vertical-axis wind turbines gets a closer look

Using machine learning to predict wind turbine power output

A vertical axis wind turbine that doesn't need the prevailing wind

Powering the 21st Century by wind energy - options, facts & figures

Wind farms can provide a surplus of reliable clean energy to society

2017 publications demonstrate advancements in wind energy research

Spatial and temporal patterns of global onshore wind speed distribution

Wind could meet world's total power demand - and then some - by 2030

The effect of giant wind farms on precipitation in a regional climate model

Potential climatic impacts and reliability of large-scale offshore wind farms

Researchers find wind-turbine placement produces 10-fold power increase

Assessing possible climatic impacts of large wind farms using satellite data

Giant concrete spheres: new form of energy storage for offshore wind farms

Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8

Floating axis wind turbines for offshore power generation—a conceptual study

Boosting wind farmers, global winds reverse decades of slowing and pick up speed

Enabling the smart wind power plant of the future through science-based innovation

Vertical axis wind turbines can offer cheaper electricity for urban and suburban areas

New insights into fluctuations of wind energy, with implications for engineering and policy

Influence of large onshore wind farm on temperature, turbulence intensity & wind speed profiles

Experimental study: effects of rotational direction & wake interferences among tandem wind turbines 

Wind Energy Reports:

2021 Gloal Wind Report

2016 Wind market reports

2021 Wind Market Reports

2021 Offshare Wind Market Report 

2010 Wind technologies market report

2016 Wind technologies market report

2016 wind power market report confirms technology, project performance, and low wind energy prices

Annual wind power market report confirms technology advancements, project performance, energy prices

Wind turbines and human health:

Wind turbines and human health

Can you actually hear 'inaudible' sound?

Noise research to combat wind turbine syndrome

Study finds no evidence wind tubines make you sick - again

Australian statement: evidence on wind farms and public health

Localized wind power blowing more near homes, farms & factories

Evidence on wind farms and human health released for public comment

Structure-borne sound and vibration from building-mounted wind turbines

Recognizing health concerns in wind energy development a key recommendation in new study

Wind Modelling: 

Wind and data tools

Wind farm modelling

Wind farm management software

HyRef: new wind and solar forecasting system

Wind engineering and modeling for high-rise buildings

Methods for modeling and forecasting wind characteristics

Adversial super-resolution of climatological wind and solar data

Modelling and simulation of hybrid (wind & solar) for DC microgrid

Computer models show clear advantages in new types of wind turbines

Modeling the depth of penetration of the winds momentum at super-inertial frequencies


Upwind Report

Denmark sets world record for wind power production

UK MOD deems wind towers a national security threat

Survey of offshore wind farm projects in the EU and their connecting grid systems

Short-term ecological effects of an offshore wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone; a compilation


Wind surpasses nuclear in China

Integrating wind into China's coal-heavy electricity system


New wind farm study a load of hot air

Enhancing positive social outcomes from wind farm development in Australia


Keepers of the wind in the Pacific Northwest

Lawrence Livermore ramps up wind energy research

Mitigating Wind Development’s Impacts on Wildlife in Kansas

US engineers enlist weather model to optimize offshore wind plans

GE Sandia discover pathway to quieter, more productive wind turbines

Studies show wind turbines killed 600,000 bats in 2012 in North America

Iowa State engineers study how hills, nearby turbines affect wind energy production

Researchers find wind and solar power have greatest health and climate benefits in Eastern States

Assessing climate change impacts on wind energy—comparison of wind speed projections in California

Berkeley Lab study shows significantly higher potential for wind energy in India than previously estimated


Ocean wave power

Wave tests prove successful

Tidal energy and grid balancing

Marine energy doubled by predicting wave power

Ocean Renewable Energy study - Australia 2015-2050

'Artificial blowhole' generates electricity from ocean waves

Predicting wave power could double marine-based energy

Wave technology could provide thousands of households with energy 

A technique designed to predict how much energy waves will be bringing

Pioneering research offers new insight into improved wave energy testing

Wave energy integration costs should compare favorably to other sources

Wave energy: nostalgic ramblings, future hopes and heretical suggestions

Ocanic steam engine:

20,000 megawatts under the sea

The century-old renewable you've never heaard of

Blue energy: how mixing water can create electricity

Tidal turbine:

Tidal turbine development ebbs and flows



Fuelling the Future

Electricity from trees

Economics of biofuels

Teaching algae to make fuel

Bioenergy from surplus land

Bioenergy - chances and limits

Teaching a microbe to make fuel

Warning issued for modified algae

10 best crops for biofuel production

What green algae are up to in the dark

Generating electricity with tomato waste

Engineered bacteria make fuel from sunlight

Wind in the willows boosts biofuel production

Bioenergy project development & biomass supply

Study offers insight into converting wood to bio-oil

Artificial photosynthesis - a pathwaay to solar fuels

Bio-diesel production from a non-edible source of royna oil 

Working together: bacteria join forces to produce electricity

Marine microalgae, a new sustainable food and fuel source

Synthetic Genomics to change corporate name to Vridos today

Scientists harness CO2 to consolidate biofuel production process

Modeling biofuel expansion effects on land use change dynamics

Scientists model a win-win situation: growing crops on voltaic farms 

Algae to crude oil: million-year natural processes takes minutes in the lab

Chemists settle longstanding debate on how methane is made biologically

Estimates reduce amount of additional land available for biofuel production

Expansion of energy production from biomass requires careful consideration

Global biodiesel production: the state of the art and impact on climate change

Sustainable forest  biomass: a review of current residue harvesting guidelines

Towards effective small scale microbial fuel cells for energy generation from urine

Large-scale production of biofuels made from algae poses sustainability concerns 

Novel approach for photosynthetic production of ccarbon neutral biofuel from green algae

Scientists identify new microbe-produced advanced biofuel as an alternative to diesel fuel

Designing synthetic trees: a novel approoach for producing energy and water efficient biofuels

Large-scale bioenergy from additional harvest of forest biomass: sustainable & greenhouse gas neutral?    


Adoption of perennial energy crops in the US Midwest

Direct climate effects of perennial bioenergy crops in the US

Scientists genetically increase algae biomass by more than 50 percent


New study suggests EU biofuels are as carbon intensive as petrol


China turns to biogas to ease impact of factory farms


Biogas aids Ugandan cattle-herders   


Clean energy from water

The 'green grass' of home

Hydrogen fuel from sunlight 

Hydrogen from water and Sun

Solar-powered hydrogen fuels a step closer

An attosecond view of electron-nuclear coupling

Researchers create hydrogen fuel from seawater

New catalyst could cut cost of making hydrogen fuel

Controlling molecular vibrations to produce hydrogen

Review of the current status of the hydrogen economy

Hydrogen's key role in decarbonising the mining industry

Physicists provide important insights into dense hydrogen

Punching holes in graphene to boost hydrogen production

Vast amounts of hydrogen are likely hidden under our feet

Record solar hydrogen production with concentrated sunlight

Producing hydrogen from water with carbon/charcoal powder

Power for seaports may be the next job for hydrogen fuel cells

Harvesting clean hydrogen fuel through artificial photosynthesis

Rooftop panel could mmake hydrogen fuel cheap - and commonplace

Cheaper, less toxic and recyclable light absorbers for hydrogen production

Don't rush into a hydrogen econom until we know all the risks to our climate

Researchers find cost-effective method for hydrogen fuel production process

Franco-German push for hydrogen is powering new EU drive for green energy source

In a side-by-side comparison hydrogen fuels require up to 14x as much electricity as direct electrification