Fossil Fuels


The future of coal

Number of operational coal power plants worldwide as of 2021, by  country


World oil outlook 2015

Crude oil ‘far from depleted’

List of oil refineries in the US

Oil stock levels of IEA countries

Every chromatogram tells a story

Americans using more fossil fuels

Fossils point the way to black gold

Energy reserves and sustainability 

China gets massive deep-water rig

New device recreates oil reservoir on a chip

Peak Oil solved: but climate will fry - BP report 

Models will enable safer deepwater oil production 

New contaminents found in oil and gas wastewater

New microwave method converts used motor oil into fuel 

Researchers discover a new method to boost oil recovery

Cash, carbon, crude: how to make oil fields bury emissions

Harvey's toll on energy industry shows a Texas vulnerability

Taking control of oil: managing dependence on petroleum fuels in the Pacific

Promising approaches to the purification of soils and groundwater from hydrocarbons 

How effective are oil funds? Managing resource windfalls in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan 

Tar Sands:

Canada's oil sands photographs

Newfound threat to oilsand project

How much will tar sands oil add to global warming?

Oil sands environmental impact unknown: Canada audit  

Mining tar sands produces much more air pollution than we thought  

Historical trends in greenhouse gas emissions of the Alberta oil sands (1970-2010)

Total organic carbon measurements reveal major gaps in petrochemical emisions reporting 


The fracking fallacy

Hydraulic fracturing defined

The hard facts about fracking

Lessons from the shale revolution

Physics, fracking, fuel and the future

Where the shale gas revolution came from

Fracking explained: opportunity or danger?

Little revolution, big fracking consequences

Hydraulic fracturing: the state of the science

Fracking: do the economics justify the risks?       

Fracking pprmpts gobal spike in atmospheric methane

CAPP members establish new guiding principles for hydraulic fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing and water resources: separating the frack from the fiction

Fracking requires a minimum distance of at least 0.6km from sensitive rock strata

A new model for capillary rise in nano-channels offers insight into improved fracking

Major class  of fracking chemicals no more toxic than common household substances     

Fracking Fluids, Contamination:

Tracking fracking pollution

Fracking operations grow thirstier with time

New tracers can identify fracking fluids in the environment

Fracking will poison New York's drinking water, critics warn

Water used for hydraulic fracturing varies widely across US

Shallow fracking raises questions for water in new research

The intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing

Fracking plays active role in generating toxic matal wastewater

Review finds environmental impact and toxicity of biocides used in fracking still largely unknown

Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Seismic issues:

Fracking UK shale: regulation and monitoring

Avoiding fracking earthquakes: expensive venture

Ohio earthquake likely caused by fracking wastewater

Fracking tests near Blackpool 'likely cause' of tremors

Earthquake Hazard Associated With Deep Well Injection

Injection wells can induce earthquakes miles away from the well

Wastewater injection spurred biggest earthquake yet, says study

Shale Gas & Natural Gas:

The state of shale

What is coal seam gas?

An introduction to shale gas

Preventing natural gas crises

The false promise of natural gas

The shale gas revolution: is it already over?

The legality of horizontal drilling in W. Virginia

Science finds new way to upgrade natural gas

Cheap asphalt provides 'green' carbon capture

Assessing the greenhouse impact of natural gas

A look at the US shale industry with David Hughes

Methane on tap: study links pollution to gas drilling 

Shale pits environmental versus economic interests

Largest ever US shale oil deposit identified in Texas

OPEC could collapse as shale gas pops peak oil myth 

The golden age of gas, possibly: interview with the IEA 

The natural gas boom could accelerate climate change

Shale offers freedom and security - but it could be a trap

Additional radioactive materials found in gas-well drill cuttings

Caution needed with new greenhouse gas emission standards

Shale gas production: potential vs actual greenhouse gas emissions

Shale-gas extraction faces growing public and regulatory challenges

Analysis shows greenhouse gas emissions similar for shale, crude oil

MEPs exempt shale gas from strengthened environmental impact rules

Assessment of the potential impact of fracking on drinking water resources

Using the energy in oil shale without releasing carbon dioxide in a greenhouse world     

A few 'problem wells' source of greenhouse gas at unexpected stage of natural gas production

Regional Issues:


Environmental impacts of shale gas extraction in Canada

Evaluation of microbial biofilm communities from an Alberta oil sands tailings pond


US DOE Shale Gas Production Subcommittee    

Tighten fracking regulations, scientists urge US officials

Can fracking help the US move away from fossil fuel consumption

Contaminated water in two US states linked to faulty shale gas wells

Considering shale gas extraction in North Carolina: lessons from other States

Simple scaling theory to better predict gas production in Barnett shale wells

Increased stray gas abundance in a subset of drinking water wells near Marcellus shale gas extraction


Quakes force Dutch to end gas extraction in northern region

Europe's resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts and crises

Environmental impacts of shale gas in the UK: current situation and future scenarios


Coal in China

Why has China overinvested in coal power?

China's coal imports on track to hit 8-year high in 2021

Guide to Chinese climate policy re synthetic natural gas

As coal use declines in US, coal companies focus on China

China's synthetic natural gas plants will have heavy environmental toll

Synthetic gas would cut air pollution but worsen climate damage in China 

Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG): technology, environmental implications, the economy

Capacity of operational coal-fired power plants in China as of 2021, by province/municipiality


Asia's coal pipeline to shrink by two thirds after China's finance cut